What does peeing often mean? Here are 8 possible reasons

What does peeing often mean?  Here are 8 possible reasons

The urge to urinate can depend on many factors, including age. But sometimes it is a symptom of a disease that can be treated

Eugenio Spagnolo

– Milan

There are those who do it up to 8 (or more) times a day. And who wakes up at night wanting to go to the bathroom. Nothing serious: The bladder’s ability to hold urine can be tested by excessive amounts of fluid or changes due to age and nutrition. The frequency of urination varies from person to person. But when the interruptions become constantto the point of interfering with our daily activities, Then it may be appropriate to seek medical attention. In fact, there could be one of these reasons for rushing to the bathroom…

dietThe frequent urge to urinate can be related to what we eat and drink. Some foods can cause the urge to urinate (and sometimes pain). Among the most famous are there Alcohol and coffee. But also citrus fruits, chocolate, tomatoes and spicy foods It can irritate the bladder causing the urge to urinate. What to do about it? Doctors recommend eliminating all common bladder irritants from the diet until symptoms are gone, and then reintroducing suspicious foods, one at a time to identify any causes.

Urinary tract infections Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are another common cause of frequent urination. You usually notice it, because in addition to the urge to urinate, Symptoms of a UTI include pain and burning when urinating, cloudy urine, fever, and pain in the pelvic area. What do I do? To check for a urinary tract infection, it is important to speak to your doctor, who may suggest specific tests. Urinary tract infections often require treatment with antibiotics to prevent them from turning into a kidney infection. Tips to help prevent UTIs include: Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated, take care of personal hygiene but without resorting to products that contain antibacterials that can alter their natural balance, urinate after intercourse and avoid holding urine. Drinking cranberry juice is also a good idea: thanks to the high presence of substances known as proanthocyanidins, it helps prevent the onset of urinary tract infections.

drugsNot infrequently, the urge to urinate is a direct result of taking certain medications, even those commonly used, such as Diuretics used for high blood pressure, sedatives and muscle relaxants. These effects are usually reported in the leaflet. Making your doctor aware of this is the first step to take, even if they can prescribe an alternative medication.

interstitial cystitisinterstitial cystitis, Also known as painful bladder syndromeIt is a chronic inflammation of the bladder that leads to frequent and urgent urination, sometimes accompanied by painful symptoms. We know that it develops when the nerve signals that trigger the urge to urinate stop working as they should (although the reason for this is not clear). As a result, it may be necessary to urinate frequently but in small amounts. It can affect people of any age and gender. But it is more common in the female sex Urinary tract infections, surgery, and viral diseases can all contribute to this. Unfortunately, it is not easy for most people with interstitial cystitis to get a diagnosis. But excluding other diseases of the urinary tract allows doctors to identify them and suggest treatment.

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Pregnancy Frequent urination during pregnancy can occur because the body is producing more fluid at that point, but also because the uterus is expanding, putting pressure on the bladder. In addition, the pelvic floor muscles can stretch and weaken during pregnancy and after childbirth, making it more difficult to retain fluid. The urge to urinate usually persists even after childbirth. In the meantime, the advice is to avoid drinks that have a diuretic effect.

Enlarged prostate Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a Non-cancerous prostate enlargement Which can cause frequent and urgent urination. As the prostate increases in size, it puts pressure on the urethra and bladder, which can increase the urge to go to the toilet, especially at night. Symptoms of BPH range from incontinence to poor urine flow. Availability of treatments Use of supplements based on Repens Serenoa or certain beta-blocker medications.

overactive bladder An overactive bladder is a condition characterized by the urge to urinateBladder muscle overactivity By itself: This makes the urge to urinate independent of the amount of urine inside. This explains why people with an overactive bladder sometimes feel the need to urinate again immediately after leaving the bathroom. Treatments for this condition range from exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor, thus reducing contractions, to certain medications to help relax. Surgery is rare. But the advice is always that Consult a specialistEspecially if there is blood in the urine and pain when urinating.

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