What are the most reliable cars: ranking

What are the most reliable cars: ranking

we will 52 in thousands European motorists, among them 17 in thousands In Italy, they were interviewed by Post consumptionwho tried to find out the most important cars through careful research”trustedThat is, those that require lower annual maintenance costs, have a longer component life and that, in general, weigh less on drivers’ pockets. Choosing an inexpensive SUV in the long run is very important for the consumer, especially in light of Rising fuel costs and the microchip crisis, as the crisis in the automotive sector affects everyday life.

Comparing the data for the number of times drivers took the car to the mechanic, excluding the following accident and accident repairs, the age of the car, the number of kilometers traveled and the severity of the breakdowns, Post consumption Calculates reliability different brands Cars, put different ratings based on the car category.

What are the most common car problems

These are the ingredients that cause the most problems, and hence the trips to the workshop, according to the interviews.

  • Electrical parts (fuses – headlights – bulbs – warning lights – central locking – window lifts – wipers).
  • Braking system (hydraulic pump cylinder, brake fluid circuit, cylinders, cylinders).
  • Engine combustion (cylinder heads, cylinder head gaskets, valves).
  • Electrical parts connected to the engine (belt, starter motor, battery, electronic ignition and alarm).

How much is spent on average to repair faults

about the 64% of Italians rely on certified branded workshops, and 26% Rather for a trusted mechanic. Both solutions seem to be effective, but the workshops “on the doorstep” allow you to save on the cost of repairs. Drivers said they died in last 12 monthsdue to breakdowns, the figures range from 200 euros to more than 400. Here are the first and last places in the ranking of average repair costs per year by car brand.

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Cars at the lowest annual repair cost

  • Lancia: 200 euros.
  • Suzuki: 225 euros.
  • Fiat: 240 euros.

Cars with the highest annual repair costs

  • Land Rover: 465 euros.
  • Mercedes-Benz: 440 euros.
  • Audi and Volvo: 400 euros.

As it is easy to guess, the prices of ingredients increase with prestige from the brand And put the car on the market. Those who enjoy luxury, or are seen as such, have high costs.

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How was the reliability of cars calculated

Post consumption Evaluate various factors related to vehicle reliability and user satisfaction, associating a specific score with each brand. Indications are as follows.

  • The reliability index is based on the number of breakdowns in the last 12 months, and is weighted based on the mileage and age of the vehicle (only vehicles manufactured in the past 10 years are taken into account).
  • Please the driver.

What are the most reliable cars on the market

Then the result is converted to stars. Research has shown that Orientals are the ones who cause the least problems and are generally considered the most reliable. Below are the ratings of brands that have received 5 stars and are therefore the best in their class.

City Car

  • Toyota.
  • Mitsubishi.
  • Honda.
  • Suzuki.
  • Kia.
  • Hyundai.

family car

SUV cars

  • Lexus.
  • Subaru.
  • Porsche.
  • Toyota.
  • Mitsubishi.
  • Kia.

on the site Post consumption You can read the full report and the individual models that have received the most stars. On the other hand, if you are hesitant Any car you want to buy, here is a guide to all the incentives and bonuses available And the Here is the list of models accepted for the 2022 sale. We talked to you Here is a new bonus that goes back to those who already own a car.

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