Weather and astronomy – the sky in July 2023 among amazing conjunctions, meteors and the first supermoon of summer, the deer full moon «3B Meteo

Weather and astronomy – the sky in July 2023 among amazing conjunctions, meteors and the first supermoon of summer, the deer full moon «3B Meteo
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the The first real month of summer He will be offering unmissable nightly shows this year. Immediately starts with The full moon on the third day who would be too The first supermoon of the summerThen, for the rest of the month, weather permittingthe greater darkness will favor the notice of many meteor showers Conjugations are important but let’s go in order:

the sun:

Day 21 It passes from constellation Gemini to constellation cancer.

  • July 1: Sunrise at 5.40. Set at 20.51

  • July 15th: Sunrise at 5.49. It is set at 8.46pm

  • July 31: The sun rises at 6.04. Set at 20.32

after the summer solstice, The days are slowly getting shorter again. From July 1 to July 31, the length of the day becomes shorter by approx 43 minutes.

the moon

  • July 3 Full Moon 13:39 PM

  • July 10 last quarter 03:48 PM

  • July 17, new moon, 8:32 p.m

  • July 25, first quarter 00:07 PM

Full Moon for July 3 It is also called “Deir al-Qamar” Because usually in this month, new deer antlers sprout from their foreheads. Another name is alsoStorm MoonBecause they tend to be more frequent this season. But the full moon on the third day will also be the first supermoon in summer 2023 as our satellite will be at a distance of 360,990 km.

planets (visible to the naked eye)

VenusThe long period of visibility in the evening, even if it lasts several hours after sunset, ends. We’ve been observing the brightest planet in the evening twilight for several months, already towards the end of last year. In early July, Venus sets about two hours after the sun We still have a few days to admire its magnificence. During the month, the planet falls abruptly into the western horizon, increasingly reducing its angular distance from the sun, in the run-up to next month’s conjunction. At the end of July, Venus will be practically undetectable. The planet remains throughout the month in the constellation Leo.Mars: see the red planet Similar to Venus. Both planets are located in the constellation Leo. However, during the month, Venus reverses its direction and descends on the horizon towards Cancer, while Mars continues its journey in the central part of Leo, remaining a little higher in the sky. Although it is lower and lower in the sky, it is still visible in the evening, in the light of twilight, in a westerly direction.
Jupiter: The giant planet is expected to get increasingly higher and we will be able to observe it for longer and longer during the second part of the night. However, we will have to wait until the end of summer to be able to observe it in the more accessible evening hours. For the month of July, it will be easily recognizable in the hours before dawn on the eastern horizon. Jupiter is still in the constellation Aries, where it will remain for the rest of the current year.
Saturn: July offers us a kind of interplanetary migration. As the period of evening visibility of the planets closest to us, Venus and Mars, draws to a close, we will finally be able to return to admire the gas giants. We’ll have to wait a little longer to see Jupiter, while we’ll wait for Saturn The period of the best note is approaching Finally during the month it will be recognizable because it rises in the east before midnight. In the second half of the night, the planet will be higher and higher in the sky, until it reaches its zenith in the south before dawn. Saturn is located in the constellation Aquarius Capricorn, where it is slowly moving backward.

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  • Moon – Saturn: in the middle hours at night between July 6 and 7 We can see the Moon and Saturn rising in conjunction in the central part of the constellation Aquarius.
  • Moon – Jupiter: During the second part of the night between July 10 and 11, the Moon will appear on the eastern horizon, followed by Jupiter. The two stars are located in the constellation of Aries.
  • Moon – Pleiades: Before dawn on July 13, the crescent moon was located near the Pleiades star cluster, in the constellation Taurus. Easily recognizable star alignments also include Jupiter, high in the sky, in Aries, and the star Aldebaran, low on the horizon.
  • Moon – Venus – Mars: an amazing concentration of stars, low on the western horizon, in the light of the evening twilight. Shortly after sunset on July 20th, we’ll be able to enjoy the tender crescent moon near Venus and Mars, now nearing the end of their evening visibility period. Of note, just below the Moon, is the star Regulus, the brightest in the constellation Leo.


the Real summer weather, may motivate you to make more observations at night. July is also a good opportunity for those who want to start systematically with meteors, given that Increases the number of swarms and the shooting stars themselves, and in good conditions of transparency and darkness, frequencies generally become above 20 meteors/hour. this year The full moon occurs on July 3Therefore, in the days close to this date, the number of visible meteors will decrease by about twelve times due to the light of the moon.
The most active regions of the sky are the ecliptic regions of Sagittarius, Aquila, Capricorn, and Aquarius. Here the located radiators are widely spread and close to each other. Special attention this year we will be able to give it the first part of the night in pegasides (maximum July 10), a small swarm of very fast meteors whose origin is not yet confirmed, or when Capricorn (maximum July 13) which shows amazingly bright slow meteors that in most cases break up with a showy final explosion. Favorable observation this year will also be the current aquids (maximum 18 July) which appears to radiate from an area between Scudu and the eastern border of Akila.
Another interesting region of the sky is that which includes the constellations Dragon, Akela, and Cygnus, where scattered radiant rays have been reported, the activity of which is not always evident. This is especially the case with Draconid range, a mysterious swarm showed for example in 2016 at the end of the month after years of complete calm an unexpected and brief exploit of about 80-100 eZHR meteors, beautifully watched by 9 stations of our IMG-UAIsm video monitoring network. In the second part of July, activities Alpha Cygnidae (maximum July 20) and the southern component of Delta Aquarids (maximum July 29), definitely the best known current of the month.

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