Vampire Survivors adds a flower-farting dog, with a name only Italians will understand –

Vampire Survivors adds a flower-farting dog, with a name only Italians will understand –

Vampire survivors Update and add a new character, a dog farting flowers, but also a new map called Bone Zone. Moreover, the dog has a name that only Italians will understand: O’Sole Meeo.

As you can see in the official video of the development team, the . file Vampire dog survivor He is able to attack by shooting colorful flowers from behind him. It is a very effective technique, but it is undeniable that it is my “special” style choice.

The video It’s called, originally, “You can’t pet the dog in Vampire Surivivors”: it’s a clear reference to a popular meme, which also has its own Twitter account that takes care of reporting video game dogs that could be petting.

there New bone area yard Instead, Vampire Survivors will see hundreds of skulls ready to tear us apart, but also a new weapon, two new Arcanas and various minor fixes and bug fixes.

O’Sole Meeo is unlocked by completing all the basic stages of Vampire Survivors, then going to the Gallo Tower and killing 3,000 Dragon Shrimp (even in multiple rounds and with multiple characters). If you have already met these requirements, simply complete the game (even start and exit immediately) to unlock the dog.

Finally, we leave you to the tried and tested vampire survivors.

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