USA, Biden chooses turkeys to thank / “they are vaccines”

USA, Biden chooses turkeys to thank / “they are vaccines”

Joe Biden Thanksgiving is upon us, which means the holiday season is in full swing. United States. Every year, in fact, thousands of models are placed on the table of Americans, while it is customary at the White House to adopt a couple to forgive them. A tradition that has been going on since 1947, it cannot be missed this year either. The Lucky They are called Peanut butter e Jelly And they are from Indiana: they were officially introduced in a video posted on Twitter.

“Every American wants to look into the eyes of a turkey and make sure everything is right,” the president said in the short film. “So, guys, everything will be fine,” he concluded. Peanut butter e Jelly So they will not come into the mouths of Americans this year. However, many wonder why the choice fell on them. The answer to the question, mostly in a symbolic way, was accurate Joe Biden.

Usha, Biden chose turkeys to thank: Reason

In the video of turkeys being saved for Thanksgiving in the United States, Joe Biden He revealed the reasons for choosing them. “Peanut butter e Jelly They were selected because of their characteristics, their appearance and their vaccination status, ”he said. A humorous statement, but it really sends a specific message, namely the importance of serums in the fight against infection Govit-19.

However, behind their praise for their “appearance” may be climate-related news. Actually just a few days ago Joe Biden Congratulations to the countries includedItaly, Who signed a serious pledge in this matter G20. To draw the benefits of progress from this point of view, only animals, including turkeys, can exist.

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