US International Trade Commission (ITC) issues ban on Apple Watch in response to Apple violating US trade laws:

Masimo (NASDAQ: MASI) today announced that the U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC) has issued a recommendation for a limited ban on Apple Watches with…

The decision holds the largest company in the world responsible for violating patents

Washington: Massimo (NASDAQ: MASI) today announced that the United States International Trade Commission (USITC) has issued a recommendation to impose a limited ban on Apple Watches with light-based oximetry capabilities that constitute patent infringement. The USITC found that Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) violated US laws by incorporating Masimo’s patented optical pulse oximetry technology into its products. The ban will take effect after a 60-day presidential review period.

“The decision taken today by the International Trade Commission in the United States sends a strong message that even the largest company in the world cannot consider itself above the law,” he said. Joe Kiani, Founder, President and CEO of Masimo. “This important decision is a strong endorsement of our efforts to hold Apple accountable for misappropriation of patented technology,” Kiani added.


Christine Boudreau

source: Business Wire

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