US exports grow 30%

US exports grow 30%

In New York to increase internationalism: US exports grow nearly 30% in the first half of 2022 alone

Italian agri-food companies are increasingly recognized in the USA

Filiera Italia and Coldiretti’s partnership with Fiera Milano and TUTTOFOOD is increasingly being strengthened. The goal is to support Franchise of Italian agri-food companies. How? Promote continuous improvement Competitiveness in international markets. Thanks to this partnership, TUTTOFOOD stops at fine summer food In New York, the largest event in the United States dedicated to high-quality food and beverages, organized by the Specialty Foods Association.

US exports grow 30%

Italy was a partner country in this edition and was present with a large group exhibition, the Italian Pavilion. Nearly 280 companies were represented in this pavilion, which also hosted the Coldiretti Pavilion.

US exports of Italian agribusiness increase 30%

So having great importance. Especially if we take into account that, according to Italian industry estimates and Coldiretti, in the first six months of 2022 alone, Italian agri-food exports to the United States grew by 21.9%. Within five years, the United States could become the world’s number one export market Made in Italy for agricultural food.

A result that can only be obtained through i . support special values Italian agri-food chain. values ​​like QualityThe Sustainabilitythe link between tradition And the Cooperat. On the other hand, thanks to a very demanding consumer and very high standards of production and quality Food SafetyItaly represents an excellent benchmark for international companies wishing to access new European and global markets.

Coldiretti supports companies in this important development

In this context, the alliance with Coldiretti enhances the internationalization of TUTTOFOOD and its role as a global exchange platform in view of the upcoming edition of the event, which will take place in fieramilano from 8 to 11 May 2023.

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