Ukraine-Russia war, today’s news. Zelensky in Poland, Duda will witness

Ukraine-Russia war, today’s news.  Zelensky in Poland, Duda will witness

US President Joe Biden and his French counterpart, Emmanuel Macron, held a telephone conversation during which they expressed with Joe Biden “the willingness of France and the United States to persuade the Chinese to expedite the end of the war in Ukraine.” French diplomatic source. The phone conversation between the two leaders took place a few hours after Macron left for a three-day state visit to Beijing, where he will meet Chinese President Xi Jinping.

The war in Ukraine, what you need to know

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Live news of the conflict between Ukraine and Russia

Peskov: “There are no prospects for resuming negotiations with Ukraine”

The Kremlin reiterated that there are no prospects for resuming negotiations with the Ukrainian authorities. When asked by reporters He flies It is considering resuming negotiations with Kiev against the backdrop of reports that a number of countries are pressuring the Ukrainian leadership to negotiate with Kiev. He fliesRussian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov replied: “No, we do not see any prospects for this yet, and there is nothing to add.” Earlier, many media outlets reported that the visit of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to Warsaw would be related to his desire to search for ways to resume negotiations with He flies. At the same time, China is expected to discuss a political solution to the Ukrainian crisis with French President Emmanuel Macron and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen visiting Beijing.

Dmitry Peskov (hand)

Moscow: “We are in a phase of hot war with the United States”

“We are now in a phase of a hot war with the United States. We see them directly involved in a mixed war with Russia in various ways.” This is what Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said on Sputnik Radio. “Some forms of this war are simply unprecedented, they simply did not exist and could not have existed during the Cold War,” the diplomat continued, according to RIA Novosti, also stressing that now “unfortunately there is a lot of talk about the nuclear threat.” Conflict.” Ryabkov accuses “our American opponents” of being “absolutely reckless” for pushing “more and more” escalation, “blinded by their absurd and unjustified belief in the ability to inflict a strategic defeat on Prussia.” Playing with fire in the truest sense of the word, ”the deputy minister concluded.

Moscow: “Putin and Lukashenko will certainly talk about the Belarusian proposal for a ceasefire in Ukraine”

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko “will certainly exchange views” on Minsk’s proposal for a ceasefire in Ukraine And they start negotiations during their scheduled talks today and tomorrow in Moscow. This was stated by Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, citing the TASS agency.

Alexander Lukashenko

Alexander Lukashenko (AFP)

CLINTON: It is wrong to convince Ukraine to get rid of its nuclear weapons, Putin would not have invaded it today

Former President of the United States Bill Clinton He stated that he “regrets persuading Ukraine to give up its nuclear weapons in the 1990s”. In an interview with the Irish broadcaster rte, Yesterday, he declared, “Russia would not have invaded Ukraine if Kiev still had nuclear weapons.”

In January 1994, Clinton signed a trilateral agreement with the then Russian president Boris Yeltsin And the Ukrainian president Leonid Kravchuk which provided for the transfer of all nuclear weapons located on the territory of Ukraine to Russia for decommissioning. In December 1994, Ukraine joined the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons as a non-nuclear weapon state, the United States, Russia and the United Kingdom provided security guarantees to Ukraine, and the START 1 treaty entered into force.

Clinton added, “I knew President Putin didn’t support the deal that President Yeltsin made not to interfere with Ukraine’s territorial borders. He made a deal because he wanted Ukraine to give up its nuclear weapons. President Putin broke it and took Crimea. And I feel terrible about that because “Ukraine is a very important country. I think what Mr. Putin did was very wrong.”

Ukraine: Macron, China can play an important role towards peace

french president, Emmanuel MacronHe emphasized that Beijing could play an “important role” in finding a “path to peace” in Ukraine, in his first speech since arriving in China for a three-day official visit.
Speaking to French citizens in Beijing, Macron said France would engage “in this shared responsibility for peace and stability.”


Pope Francis: Let us pray for the mothers of Ukrainian and Russian soldiers

“Looking at Mary, Madonna before the Cross, my thoughts turn to the mothers of fallen Ukrainian and Russian soldiers in wars: they are mothers of dead children, let us pray for these mothers”: so Pope Francis at the leading audience in St. Peter’s Square before Easter. The Argentine Pontiff said: “In this Holy Week of the Passion of Christ, as I commemorate his unjust death, I remember in a special way all the victims of war crimes, I invite you to pray for them and I implore God so that the hearts of all may be converted.” Francis called on the faithful, like every Wednesday, to pray specifically for the “Ukrainian martyr.”

Kiev: “Ukrainians, leave the occupied territories”

Minister for the Reintegration of Temporarily Occupied Territories into Ukraine, Irina VereshukHe appealed to Ukrainian citizens from Russian-controlled areas of the country to try to leave through “third countries” as soon as possible. “I would advise Ukrainians in temporarily occupied territories to go to third countries or to equip themselves: you know what you have to do,” Verechuk said on his Telegram channel. “The main thing is to protect yourself and the children,” the minister added. For weeks now, Ukraine has been preparing a counter-offensive to recapture territories occupied by Russia. According to Ukrainian media, Vereshok’s appeal aims to secure Ukrainian citizens living in these areas from the expected and imminent intensification of hostilities.

A road flooded after snow melted in Kramatorsk, Donetsk region

A road flooded with water after melting snow in Kramatorsk, Donetsk region (ANSA)

Pope: Let us pray for tortured Ukraine

“Let’s not forget to pray for the stricken Ukraine.” This is what Pope Francis said at the end of today’s meeting.

Pope Francesco

Pope Francis (Reuters)

Moscow: A Ukrainian drone crashed near the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant

A Ukrainian drone crashed near the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant. This was announced by the Russian news agency RIAA, citing military sources in Moscow, who said that the drone is Polish-made and weighs more than 2 kilograms.

IAEA experts at the Zaporizhia plant

Agency experts at the Zaporozhye plant (Reuters)

Britain: Moscow is looking for funds abroad to finance the war

Russia expects support from foreign countries it considers “friends” to finance a “long war” in Ukraine: the British Ministry of Defense wrote in its daily intelligence update. The report posted on Twitter on March 28 states that Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin announced that the issuance of part of Russia’s sovereign debt in foreign currency is “under development”.

London experts comment that this step is certainly an indication of the fact that Russia expects external financial support from foreign countries it considers “friends”. Foreign investors would then be able to buy up Russian sovereign debt and finance some future Russian budget shortfalls: by doing so, the report notes, they would indirectly finance Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine.

The Ministry states that in recent months Russian banks have been the main purchasers of Russian state debt. However, it is unlikely that they will have the ability to fully finance the country’s projected future budget deficit. The report concludes, “Russian officials are likely to view foreign debt issuance as a way to plug gaps in Russian finances because they are planning a protracted war in Ukraine.” However, it is unclear whether Russia will be able to implement the measures. “”.

President Zelensky in Poland: He will meet his counterpart Duda

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky arrived in Poland on a visit to the country. This was announced by a local official. Foreign Affairs Adviser to Polish President Marcin Przydac said earlier that the visit would take place “at the invitation of President (Andrzej) Duda.” “There will be long and intense talks, not only about the security situation, but also about economic and political support,” Przydac added in remarks to private RMF radio. It will be an official visit.” According to the official, Zelensky will meet Poles and Ukrainians who have taken refuge in Poland on Castle Square in Warsaw.

Canada: “It is important to support Ukraine even after it wins”

“It is important that we continue to support Ukraine, but we also support Ukraine even after its victory. And it is important that countries provide Ukraine with long-term security, commitment and guarantees, because even after its victory, it will still be the neighbor of a very aggressive country. That is what Canada brings to the negotiating table.” Canadian Foreign Minister Melanie Jolie said this upon her arrival at the NATO ministerial meeting in Brussels.

Russian shells on Donetsk killed 6 civilians yesterday

The General Prosecutor’s Office said that six civilians were killed and seven others wounded during Russian bombing yesterday in the northern region of Donetsk in eastern Ukraine. Casualties were reported in Toritsk, Krasnohorivka and the village of Lastochkin in the Pokrovsky district. An administrative building and some residential units and agricultural buildings were damaged. According to the prosecution, Russian forces attacked the area with Grad artillery and rocket launchers.

Zelensky is expected in Poland today

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is expected to arrive in Poland today for an official visit. As predicted by Marcin Przydac, foreign affairs adviser to the Polish president, “there will be long and intense talks, not only about the security situation, but also about economic and political support.” Zelensky will also meet Ukrainian refugees on Castle Square in Warsaw.

Wall Street Journal reporter arrested in Russia, Ivan Gershkovich, is seeing his lawyer. The newspaper: “He is in good health and grateful for the support”

Ivan Gershkovitch, a Wall Street Journal journalist arrested in Russia, has met with his lawyer. “They said he was in good health and he was grateful for the support he had from all over the world,” the paper said, referring to the meeting. The Wall Street Journal adds: “A legal avenue is one avenue we’re working on for Evan’s release. We continue to work with the White House, State Department, and government officials to secure Evan’s release.”

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