Trias confirms that Colboni did not improve Barcelona

Trias confirms that Colboni did not improve Barcelona

Xavier Trias Yesterday he delivered one of his last conferences as head of a municipal group together For Barcelona. He also announced that if he does not serve as mayor again, he will leave the City Council in the coming months. Indeed, he announced this again without specifying a specific date. “I'm leaving. It won't be today, and it won't be tomorrow. I'll be at City Hall for a little while.” He added that when he leaves, he will leave a group of advisors “who could have formed a great government.”

Trias also referred to the amnesty: “Last Thursday something very important happened for this city and this country. The foundations for the amnesty have been laid. I want to see how it develops and be able to help in any way I can. Above all, I look forward to being able to salute People I love in Barcelona soon who have not been able to return for seven years,” he said, referring to Carles Puigdemont, among others, without mentioning his name.

Reply to Colbone

Officially, his intervention was in response Jaume Colbone In the mayor’s response session, last February 29. Not that he was full of praise for the socialist, specifically. The former mayor delivered his conference in Elbourne, and explained that his choice also had meaning: “This space is part of the message I wanted to convey to you. It is the perfect example of the decline that the city has suffered these last few times. It is difficult to recognize this newborn.” And remember that in the eight yearsThere is a cola As mayor they “diluted the idea for which this space was born”, referring to the anniversary of Barcelona's defeat at the hands of the Bourbons in 1714, as manifestos for the War of Succession, and that sun He reformulated the project again: the newborn now depends on MUHBA.

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Trias stated that Barcelona is not in a better position with Colboni as mayor, although there is one factor that is in itself a positive change: that Colao is no longer mayor. “The fact that she is not mayor has taken the pressure off the city and the public debate. However, Colboni believes that this is enough. But it is not enough. The mayor cannot be the lesser of two evils. He must inspire, to show the ability and strength to govern,” she stressed.

“I have no confidence in Colbony, but in the whole city,” Trias said, and Trias, once again, reviewed the facts that led him to declare, “Let them bomb!” In the Saló de Cent on the day of the inauguration, an hour before the session, when he became mayor again and ERC In his government partner, everything changed and Colbone took office with the support of the House of Commons and s. The socialist stressed that he has “priorities other than Barcelona.” He pointed out the irony that the ERC and PSC, which had vetoed each other to reach an agreement with Junts, ended up voting together on Barcelona's budgets, in their preliminary proceedings for now, and agreed on the government's general accounts.

Magician's trick

The former Minister of Health and the Presidency criticized Colboni's announcement in response to Lacalde, when he set the investments to be made by the administrations in Barcelona at 10.6 billion euros. He said that those who talk about 2035 are not talking about 2027, referring to the end of the current term. He compared it to something like a magician's trick, a way to hide reality.

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The mayoral candidate in May recalled how he made the decision to run again and what problems made him try again: an unsafe and dirty city, with deplorable housing and transportation access problems. He asked, “Has our situation become better after a year? Is this the change that the vast majority of Barcelona residents demanded and continue to demand?” “Is it possible to live better in Barcelona than we did a year ago?” he asked himself. He replied no. In fact, he predicted four lost years, the years in this chapter.

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Trias criticized that Colboni told Colao a few days ago that before a government agreement can be reached, a budget agreement must be concluded. “He accepted policies more than chairs,” the mayor said, and the Gaunt leader was surprised that he confirmed this “without turning red.” He pointed out something that was already clear: Junts will vote against the budgets in plenary session on March 22. He criticized Colboni's defense of the accounts as something unique, and instead did not resort to the issue of trust for months to overcome the obstacle of not obtaining the necessary support.

He considered that Endressa's plan had not achieved clear improvements and that the city was “not working.” He gave several examples of what he denounces: that the government is weak and has only 10 advisors. The city is neither safe nor clean. He pointed out at this point that Albert Patel had been in charge of security for five years, in the previous state and this state. He considered that the time had come to step down from his duties.

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