Tomorrow’s reality. Covid normalization? Science Divided, Governments Accelerate: Comparing Epidemiological Strategies. Quirinale, league thinks of Colle without B.

Tomorrow’s reality.  Covid normalization?  Science Divided, Governments Accelerate: Comparing Epidemiological Strategies.  Quirinale, league thinks of Colle without B.

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Omicron, traceability, and the fourth dose: a comparison of epidemiological strategies. The scientific world was divided over the opportunity to continue publishing the daily bulletin on injuries. Yesterday, infectious disease specialists Matteo Bassetti and Donato Greco launched the idea of ​​abandoning it, or making it weekly, and joining the trend also spreading in the rest of Europe, of those who say it is necessary to start “normalizing” the epidemic. Proposed by Spain a few days ago, Belgium announced today that it intends to stop preferential corridors for Covid patients. In the United States, well-known virologist Anthony Fauci said that with the degree of transmissibility of Omicron, it is expected that the virus “will eventually infect everyone,” including vaccinated people who will be protected from serious consequences. He suggested that the United States be on the cusp of the end of the state of emergency and the beginning of the stage of coexistence with Covid. But there is also a part of the scientific world that opposes this facilitation, which it considers very surprising. For example, Lucia Bisceglia, president of the Italian Association of Epidemiology: “It’s like breaking a thermometer when we feel a fever. Monitoring daily infections is evidence.” The bulletin allows for “infusing warning signals” and thus “designing forecasts and building prospects.” Hans Kluge of the World Health Organization yesterday warned governments not to rush to repeal the state of emergency. Yesterday, however, the European Medicines Agency criticized the strategy of constantly repeating reminders in a short period of time. These are statements that question the choices of many Western governments, led by Israel, which has already begun to give the fourth dose to its citizens, but also in many other countries that, like us, have expected a very short period of time between doses. The duration of the Green Pass is limited to six months. To clarify the topic, on made tomorrow We will evaluate this debate and compare healthcare approaches chosen by different European countries.

The spread of virus cases and pressure on hospitals as well. “There is no doubt that we are in a new and intense epidemiological phase of many complications, mainly due to the influence of the Omicron variable that has caused the growth of cases at the national and global level. There is a fact that we have to deal with: the case and hospitalization ratio has changed drastically this season thanks to The very high vaccination rate in the country.” Minister of Health Roberto Speranza, responding to a question in the Chamber today, summed up the situation of the Covid-19 pandemic in Italy from the government’s point of view. On the hospital front, Speranza emphasized that 10% of the unvaccinated in our country “comprising two-thirds of cases admitted to intensive care and 50% in the medical field.” The new cases detected today are 196,224 (less than yesterday) and 313 deaths (more than yesterday). Italy is currently among the 5 countries in the world with the highest number of new cases in 7 days, according to a report by the World Health Organization. Overall, between January 3 and 9, cases in Europe increased by 31% but deaths decreased by about 10%. At the moment, the Omicron variant has almost completely replaced Delta. Germany has passed 80,000 cases (and 384 deaths). But the virus’ pressure on hospitals is also creating problems for patients with other illnesses. As we said in he did Today, the virus has put pressure on hospitals It also punishes patients with other diseases, such as tumors. In Al-Ghad newspaper, we will collect the most dangerous situations in the region.

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Restaurant and expensive energy emergencies: Government for delays now. As the epidemic progressed on the health level, the effects of Omicron also began to appear on the economic level. It is clear that the sectors most affected are those that target people, from tourism to catering, but today we said that even large industry is not doing well, due to the increase in the prices of raw materials and energy. Between super green traffic rules, employee quarantines, and customer concerns, some businesses seem to be going into virtual lockdown. Appeals to the government multiply to activate a new refreshment season. Draghi promised this at his last press conference, but the decree likely won’t arrive until next week, as confirmed today by Economic Development Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti, who then held a table with energy companies next week (perhaps going in the direction of an extraordinary contribution from distributors). On the made tomorrow We’ll see what it might contain and why interventions will be limited. On opposite fronts, the Lega movement and the Five Star Movement are pressing for new interventions. Today, Giuseppe Conte requested important interventions against bills and expensive refreshments: “Go immediately to the CDM for refreshments: Warm palettes and modest shapes will not suffice, the standard must be raised.” Regarding billing, Conte proposes to abolish the value-added tax for 2022 and ask for a solidarity contribution for operators.

Quirinale, “Plan B” for the league does not rhyme with Berlusconi. According to party sources, there was a phone call between Silvio Berlusconi and Matteo Salvini. Clarification between the two leaders seemed necessary after the recent statements of the League Secretary, which revealed a certain intolerance towards Berlusconi’s candidacy for the Quirinale, impeding any negotiations between the two parties. At a press conference in Montestorio, Salvini revealed his recipe: Draghi must remain prime minister and the name Lega per il Colle will arrive “in 15 days”. However, Salvini also keeps another door open, in fact confirming that his party does not intend to leave the government even if Draghi is elected to the Quirinale: “The league exists no matter who is in Chigi.” It is clear that Berlusconi is not mentioned in the least in this strategy. Indeed, meanwhile, Northern League leader Riccardo Molinari said in an interview that it would be good for the party to consider a “Plan B”. But when the message is not preliminary to Berlusconi, quite the opposite is true. Alliance leaders, including Giorgia Meloni, met on Friday for a summit at Villa Grande, the Forza Italia leader’s Romanian residence and headquarters next month. we’ll see on made tomorrow What strategies are being prepared in the center right. On the Giallorossa front, in the Democratic Party, the debate on the Quirinale has been postponed to Saturday, due to the death of David Sassoli. Yesterday the will appeared to fully authorize Giuseppe Conte from the 5-star House of Representatives to negotiate with the other parties of the Quirinale candidate, even if a group of deputies lined up for Mattarella-bis as the group had already finished with senators last week. As we said in he did Today, the movement and the Democratic Party will be directed to vote on blank ballot papers on the first ballot, but for the next ballot the range of possibilities is still very wide (from Matarella to Draghi to Amato). Tonight is scheduled for the meeting between the 5S joint groups of the House and Senate with leader Conte, in the newspaper we will see how it went. Our campaign against the election of B. For membership Quirinale: Tomorrow a new episode in the B story. Signed by Marco Travalho.

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