Today is another day.. Live tears and collapse: “I can’t do it” | Serena Burton is in a panic

Today is another day.. Live tears and collapse: “I can’t do it” |  Serena Burton is in a panic
Today is another day.. Live tears and collapse: “I can’t do it” |  Serena Burton is in a panic
Serena Burton Youtube

Moments of deep emotion but also of slight tension in studies Today is another day. The presenter did not know what to do.

Today is another day For several years now, he has been holding us up from Monday to Friday at Rai Uno, right after TG1. The highlight of the show is undoubtedly the interviews that make it beautiful Serena Burtonthe friendly landlady of the house, gets along with the many guests, who are mostly from the wide Italian business world.

A journalist and presenter, with a well-respected curriculum behind her, can count on being there team work Very close-knit, you’ve been following her for a while and consider her a kind of second family. It is no longer a part of it Remigi notebecause of a gesture deemed unfortunate and inappropriate, he made towards a popular young classmate.

Serena, like Ray, hasn’t forgiven him and now seems to have completely cut out from Viale Mazzini’s company. His pain was great when he noticed that the woman was no longer answering his phone. publicly apologized to Jessica Morlacci For that pat on the butt, which, according to him, he applied without malice.

The singer’s reaction is a study

However, his apologies were useless and he even received the much-talked-about celebrity The golden tapir from Valerio Staveley to strip news. He opened his heart Fabio Fazio to what’s the weather likebut even this guest of his did not help him solve this very thorny issue.

now Burton He will have to divide himself with a certain ease between his daily broadcasting obligations and those as a juror on the new edition of The Masked Singer. However, over the past few episodes, the lead has found herself facing a very difficult situation to manage in the studio. Bitter tears of the singer. No one expected such a reaction either calm.

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Serena Burton's emotional breakdown
Jessica Morulaki and Serena Bortoni-Yobe

Morlacchi’s tears live on

To cry was the former leader of Gasusa Jessica Morlacci. She achieved huge success when she was more than just a kid with this band. As she said, the popularity was so sudden and great that it became almost impossible. Then he began to suffer Severe panic attacks. And as it grew, the fame diminished a lot.

Emotions came to her when she started talking about the competitors and especially the winner The Voice KidsGood Melissa. when addressing her Jessica movedfor at that moment the memories of her when she was a child and a little girl came to her mind, when she found herself faced with something too big to live through and manage calmly.

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