They set aside the minor who sexually assaulted a teacher at the Juvenile Justice Center in Lleida

They set aside the minor who sexually assaulted a teacher at the Juvenile Justice Center in Lleida
The secret of liberation

Juvenile Justice Center he Leda’s secret The general administration of the department opened a disciplinary file and removed the young accused from its unit for sexual assault social educator, How did you progress? Secret yesterday After the union’s complaint IAC-CATAC.

The Ministry of Justice also reported that it had intensified its psychological intervention and strengthened its training program on sexuality and equality education. The events occurred on the night of May 24 to 25, when one of the teachers at the center was touched by a young inmate, who had been specifically convicted of committing a sexual crime.

The security guard noticed her and asked her to leave. The Ministry also explained that Title From the center immediately reported the facts and the case has already been taken to court.

They also emphasized that “from the first moment, both the Center and the General Administration placed themselves at the worker’s disposal. They provided him with support and assistance through a series of occupational risk measures: psychological and legal support and change of location, among others.”

For its part, the union denounced the increasing attacks on youth centers and “the lack of staff, unstable working conditions, and lack of maintenance.”

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