The United States welcomes Italy to join the Critical Raw Materials Initiative

The United States welcomes Italy to join the Critical Raw Materials Initiative

Expanding the Mineral Security Partnership. India and Norway also enter. The goal is to counter the “weaponization” of interdependence by authoritarian states, such as Russia and China.

The United States welcomed Italy, Norway and India to join the Minerals Security Partnership, an initiative launched by the US administration in June to encourage ethical extraction and strengthen partnerships between “friendly” countries along the sector’s supply chains, including addressing risks. Armament and interdependence between authoritarian states, such as Russia and China. Thus, there are 14 partners “collaborating to strengthen supply chains and ensure a more sustainable future for us all,” as stated in a memorandum issued by the US State Department. These are Australia, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Norway, Sweden, the United Kingdom, the United States and the European Union (represented by the European Commission).

The ministry explains that this initiative “continues to expand, as demand for critical minerals, essential for clean energy and other technologies, is expected to grow significantly. Transparent, open, reliable, safe and sustainable supply chains for critical minerals are key to implementing these technologies at the speed and scale needed to combat climate change.” climate effectively.”

Not a minor detail: the memo was released a week after the presentation led by the US President Joe Bidenfor the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor, in which India and Italy also participate.

Italy’s joining the initiative, which was launched in June last year, was delayed due to the summer government crisis and subsequent elections. In February, the first meeting was held in Cape Town, South Africa, and Italy also attended with the consul Emmanuel Beaulieu. It is a step “welcomed” by the United States, as stated in the joint statement Joe BidenPresident of the United States, and Georgia MeloniPrime Minister of Italy, was issued at the end of their meeting at the end of June at the White House.

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In the same document we also read Washington’s support for Rome’s intention, as the Meloni government seems determined not to renew the memorandum of understanding with China on the Silk Road, to join the steering committee of the Blue Dot Network. It is a mechanism launched in 2019 to promote high standards in infrastructure investments between the public and private sectors around the world, including developing countries. Translated: to counter Chinese expansionism, in this case in infrastructure.

He added: “The fact that European leaders are withdrawing from the upcoming China summit on the Belt and Road Initiative, and Italy’s desire to play a leadership role in alternative infrastructure initiatives such as the Blue Dot network, shows that we are moving away from Beijing’s orbit.” Comment Eileen Dyzinski, Great doctor And the head of the Center for Economic and Financial Power at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies in Washington, A The nefarious actions of China and Russia are pushing democracies together and could undermine the ambitions of the Belt and Road Initiative more than global shocks like the pandemic. Although the Blue Dot Network represents a small, focused international effort, it can serve as a model and path for more strategic and selective multilateral engagement. There are clear benefits to working with other democracies, and we should support more investment in initiatives like the Blue Dot Network, which align with democratic principles, transparency, anti-corruption and human rights. “Italy will be able to advance this issue when it assumes the G7 presidency in 2024,” he concluded.

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