The Texas massacre, the waters that covered themselves in the blood of their comrade and the stories of other survivors –

The Texas massacre, the waters that covered themselves in the blood of their comrade and the stories of other survivors –
From Greta Privetera

Ovaldi Elementary School children recount what they saw and heard during the massacre: ‘I saw my teachers die’

Miah Cerillo put her hand on the blood-covered body Her classmate is on the ground next to her. She got her shirt dirty and pretended to be dead, hopefully Salvador Ramos He didn’t point the gun in his direction.
I entered what psychologists refer to as “survival mode” – the human body’s adaptive response to help us survive danger and stress – and thought about the best way not to die and took action.

Maya is only eleven years old and was in her class on the morning of May 24th Robb Primary School in Ovaldi, In Texas, which became the site of another American massacre, 21 people, 19 children, and two teachers, including her principal, were killed. We know her story because two days after the massacre the young survivors started talking. There is a video released by the American broadcaster NBC Spread quickly as we see a blond kid saying to the microphones: “We panicked because we didn’t understand what was happening. We saw many policemen entering the canteen, and we were hiding behind the platform.”
It’s not what he says that impresses, but the way he says it. Trembling voice, wide eyes.

Massacre survivors often experience all symptoms Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
. Primary school children sanding hookThe massacre that took place ten years ago in Newtown, Connecticut, very similar to those of Ovaldi, They found it difficult to sleep, and were afraid to be alone. When they returned to class, the teachers decided to find a word of safety in case a student starts to have bad thoughts. One class chose the word “monkey”. They say: “Suddenly someone got up and shouted ‘monkey’, and then a teacher got up and took the child out of the classroom and tried to calm him down.”

See also  Another Horror in the Oval Room - Libero Quotidiano

Amber Gonzalez, mother Aubrey, 8 years oldDuring the massacre, one young girl from Ovaldi said, her daughter was kept under the table the whole time: “Now she is terrified at the idea of ​​going anywhere without her father and I,” says Gonzalez. She cannot sleep alone. She is afraid to shower alone. She’s even afraid to watch a movie in the living room without us. I put her to bed last night and she told me she felt like someone was watching her. He is very afraid.”

A fourth-grader who was in a class that Ramos entered, told San Antonio Keys TV that the killer shouted, “It’s time to die.” “When I heard shooting – said the student – I told my friend to hide something under it so he wouldn’t find us.” He and his other companions descended under a table covered with a tablecloth, and survived while the others were killed.
‘My teachers were good’He continued, “They stood in front of my colleagues to help them and save them.”

May 27, 2022 (change on May 27, 2022 | 19:15)

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