The professional council of TV3 criticizes that Vilagrà was present at the inauguration of the delegation in Perpignan

The professional council of TV3 criticizes that Vilagrà was present at the inauguration of the delegation in Perpignan

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3Cat Yesterday the new delegation opened for Northern Catalonia Ten years after closure. At the event held in Perpignan he was there Laura BertrandThe new delegate, Roman rose,President of 3Cat,I Laura VillagraDeputy Prime Minister. Now, Villagra's involvement, which he said promotes the government's Països Catalans project, has upset the professional Media and Sports Council, which has issued a statement criticizing him for saying it seriously harms the independence of public media: “Public media should not be in the service of the 'government project' but In the service of the citizen.

The Council says that this is not a declaration of intent, but it is written in the preamble of the CCMA Law – “The new operation of the Catalan Radio and Television Corporation must follow the criteria of independence, professional competence and economic feasibility” – or in Article 8 of the same law: “The members of the Board of Directors shall enjoy full-time devotion to their office, They work with complete independence and impartiality, and are not subject to any instructions or instructions in the exercise of their duties.”

“It is not only contrary to the spirit of the law, but also to the general principles of the CCMA established in the Book of Style,” they say, and they cite an article about the relationship with political and economic power: “The production, dissemination and dissemination of content from our media is independent of political and economic power.” It is guided by professional and public service standards.

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“From the Professional Council we see that the institutional presence should be purely protocol. The CCMA should never be translated into government action. We are a public means of communication and demand neutrality and independence from any political force,” they added.

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