The plenary session of the Barcelona Council appoints the Regional Council of Brigida

The plenary session of the Barcelona Council appoints the Regional Council of Brigida

The plenary session of the Barcelona Council appoints the Regional Council of BrigidaBarcelona room

The Barcelona Chamber of Commerce Plenary appointed Josep Canales (Transforma 1, SL), Joan Casades (Advanced Sport & Nutritions Lab, SL), Esther Comillas (Fundació La Llar), and Xavier Curriu (Curriu Services de Jardineria i Paisatgisme), SL), Marinela Mosquera (Pedratos, SL), Joan Ricarte (Palara, SL), José Roda (Vidmar RM 2000), Ana Romera (Gctplus) and Meritxell Torrento (Agroviver, SL) as new members of the Regional Council of the Room in Bergueda for every For the term 2024-2028.

The association aims to “bring the Chamber closer to all companies and self-employed workers in the region, to strengthen relations with local administrations, employers’ associations, trade unions and other associations of an economic and commercial nature with the aim of establishing links of value to the Bergidan community; as well as working to adapt services to the needs and specificities.” territory and corporate needs, with the aim of enhancing economic activity and improving business competitiveness,” as explained in the memorandum.

Likewise, the Brigida delegation developed specific action plans in areas such as infrastructure, industrial activity, relations with local textiles and tourism. The company will monitor the C-16 expansion project between Berga and Baja. In the industrial field, the Chamber’s team will work with the businessmen and technical team of Polygon Dolvan, which it considers “a key location for good economic development of the region.” The Chamber also considers it necessary to “enhance synergy with the economic fabric and local administrations to lead initiatives that benefit the economy as a whole.” Specifically, we want to focus on municipalities like Cardona, which is also part of the demarcation of the Barcelona Chamber of Brigida, which is why one of the members of this municipality has joined the council. The company has also set itself the goal of “promoting tourism with a regional focus and working with local agents to exploit the full potential of this strategic activity in Brigida”. The plenary session of the Chamber also approved the appointment of Mercés Salles to the General Council of the Brigida Development Agency and Meritxell of Toronto to the General Assembly of the Algarraf Economic Development Association.

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