What is the future for the large Vallegrande area after the thermal power plant shutdown? The energy situation, made more complicated by the aggravation of the Ukraine-Russia conflict, requires extreme caution in examining all scenarios while Enel, which was and remains the owner, began to consider various hypotheses for use. Something was filtered during these months among options such as photovoltaic panels, container storage and also a proposal related to green hydrogen production. Discussion on this subject inevitably stopped with the election campaign and its appeal became obligatory. A kind of idea launch that has included various topics in recent months who have developed their ideas.
Fausto Strozzian engineer, expert in environmental technologies, has drawn up a substantial document in which he tried to explain his intuition: the creation of a castle of science in the Vallegrande region, which would support potential innovative industrial activities by companies that could participate: a place that could host specific research centers, in the service of The same companies, with a 2030 time horizon: “In my idea – explains Strozzi – Cittadella della Scienza should be owned by a group of companies interested in opening new offices but also by the supply chain companies involved. An example is the IIT and Eurac of Bolzano, a concrete and consolidated reference , which have been successfully operating for about twenty years in the production of green hydrogen for cars. I believe that Confindustria della Spezia can act as a mentor and contribute directly to the goal.”

What should this science castle do?
“A center for multiple research and scientific activities related to biotechnologies, new energies and new materials, and a center in close logistical contact with new companies engaged primarily in activities aimed at protecting the environment that can therefore be supported since its inception from the activities of the center itself. Sectors such as Eco-TechAnd the high technologyperhaps with the participation of Cnr and Enea, who are already in the area and can move to the castle or even take charge of it Leadership scientific. And of course, Enel can participate not only for financial support, but above all front company The group is for all contacts with the national and international scientific world. I would like to emphasize that land reclamation in the Enel region can represent an extraordinary and effective comparison “moment” between biothermal recovery techniques and thermal plasma technologies.”
As far as environmental technology is concerned, from biotechnologies to “clean” energy production, the lines of research and development can be different and complementary.
“Power from advanced photovoltaic cells, for example, but also from H2Verde, which can be obtained from water, and H2 Blu which can be obtained from the Biodigestion of Forsu. It still works in energy and explicitly monitors hydropower, and projects can relate to Profitable research and development with the development and use of increasingly efficient turbineshigh technologyThe new materials sector is increasingly evolving and responding to the challenges of reuse and environmental sustainability, and particularly beneficial in the marine sector, the pride of our province. Shipyards may be interested in researching materials to be used to build hulls or molds for specific productions as well as using H2V for mobility.”
Other related initiatives?
“The training center as a bridge between specific research activities: it can be a source of an incubator for innovative start-ups. I would like to add, while the problem of growing drought is concretely revealed, that a significant operational contribution and scientific “availability” can be provided by the conditions represented In the daily availability of about 15 million liters of pure water at the Acam Acque plant, in the region of Stagnoni, certainly adjacent to the region of Enel. It seems to me clearly that the re-use of this large amount of daily water in agriculture is an urgent goal that must synergistically involve the public and private sectors ” .
“Infuriatingly humble social media buff. Twitter advocate. Writer. Internet nerd.”