The end of Internet Explorer today

The end of Internet Explorer today

Starting today Wednesday, June 15, Internet Explorer, one of the most famous historical programs for surfing the Internet (browser), will not receive updates and will be largely abandoned by Microsoft, the company that developed it in 1995 for its Windows operating system.

The decision to end browser support has been announced a year ago From Microsoft, which has long tried to trick users into using Edge, the browser created in 2015 to replace Internet Explorer. Edge, however, hasn’t been very successful so far.

Internet Explorer was for a long time the most used browser in the world, but in the early 2000s it was gradually overtaken by many other browsers, most notably Google Chrome and Firefox. Compared to most modern browsers, Internet Explorer is often considered outdated, which is why it has also become a topic me me and harassing.

Microsoft calling Windows 10 users to stop using Internet Explorer and switch to Edge. Besides the invites, Internet Explorer will continue to be available on older operating systems (Windows 7 and 8, now less popular) and on some select versions of Windows for the professional market: the software is still used by some companies still running older versions of Windows for compatibility issues their programmes.

In addition, for some time Microsoft has made it possible to “Internet Explorer Mode” on Edge, which mimics some features of the old browser. The status will be maintained until at least 2029, giving companies time to upgrade their systems. But as browser updates expire, Microsoft will no longer be able to guarantee the security of Internet Explorer against viruses and computer attacks on older operating systems.

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To urge users to switch to Edge, Microsoft has already placed restrictions on the use of Internet Explorer to access its Teams service in 2020, and since August 2021 the browser has ceased to be compatible with the use of various Microsoft services. Like OneDrive for online saving and Outlook for email.

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