The Italian National Olympic Committee of the United States (Coni USA) and Comites NY announce their second Bocce & Picnic Championship aimed at families of the Italian and Italian American community and lovers of the Italian language and culture. The tournament will be held at the three regulation courts at Pelham Bay Park in the Bronx on Saturday, April 1, 2023, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. The sporting aspect of the event was entrusted to Coni Usa, the programme’s creator. Financial, organizational, and promotional support is shared with Comites NY.
The inaugural edition was held in Queens on October 21 with an enthusiastic participation of eight teams and 25 players, some of whom are not Italian citizens, but who are fans of Italy and its language. Through this initiative, Coni USA and Comites NY want to create an annual community meeting, where physical activity and socialization takes place which also leads to making new friends.
Court address and directions – Pelham Bay Park, Eileen B. Ryan Recreation Complex, Bauchi Courts, 3505 Bruckner Blvd. The Bronx, NY, 10461. Subway stations: Line 1 (207 Street); Line 6 (Pelham Bay Park). City buses: Bx12, SBS, Bx6. The area has free parking.
Participants – Teams of 2-3 players and 4 players* who are at least eight years old are accepted.
Regulations and prizes – three Italian rounds with a final, international rules of the game have been adopted. The top three teams will receive medals, more and be invited to a grand final in the fall (date and location to be announced soon).
Registration – form required via email to this address: [email protected]. A contribution of $60 per team ($15 per person) is suggested. You can register and form teams on site before the tournament starts. Coni USA and ComitesNY will be at the bowling green from 10:30.
Picnic – To enhance socialization among the participants, a picnic will be held after the competitions in the equipped area adjacent to the bowling green. Participants must provide their own breakfast. Free water bottles will be distributed.
Coni Usa president Mikko Delianova Lecastro recalls why he suggested the bowls to Comites NY: “It’s well-suited to get everyone in our communities’ families involved, from the youngest to the oldest. It’s also ideal for socializing thanks to its easy rules and sporty dynamics, providing spaces for participants to share playing strategies.” , being outdoors, discussing and eating healthy food, and finally practicing the Italian language.We are also working on organizing tournaments locally in the consular states of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut, where the winners will be invited to participate in a final that will take place in the fall.We intend to present our kind sports initiatives in collaboration with Comites NY and other community associations to every borough in New York City.”
For Leide Porcu, who chairs the Comites Outreach Committee for Italians, Italian Americans, Sports, Youth, and Mental Health,” the Comites NY intention is to “continue to strengthen our fruitful collaboration with Coni Usa.” As the Community Outreach Committee, we encourage events that are in line with the #WelfareProject, that is, those that integrate physical and mental health through recreational activities that include physical activity, but also community integration. Inspire our future projects.”
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