Hui, com tots els dies 13 de juliol, es commemora el Dia Internacional del Sarcoma, data que té com a objectiu informar i conscienciar sobre este tipus de càncer. Una malaltia que es desenvolupa en els teixits blans de l’organisme i posseïx més de 150 varietats reconegudes per l’Organització Mundial de la Salut.
In other words, microchimerism seems “too” scientific and even a bit cold. But it is the name given to the “sixth sense of mothers.” there Scienceswe know, we’ve tried and he’s trying Explain everything around us. From time immemorial. Various names and classifications have passed through the ages and human evolution, but The goal is […]
Define and solve: Freud’s science. Below you will find the answer to solve the crossword puzzle puzzle week And other games like Cody Cross. In case you know of other solutions to the same question, please comment by suggesting other solutions. Solve 11 letters: Psychoanalysis Meaning / Fun Fact: Freud’s ScienceClarification – “Freud“Postponed here. […]
Women in Science is the title of the event promoted by Istituto Comprensivo Sala Consilina-Viscigliete, led by Principal Patricia Pagano to celebrate Women’s Day. An opportunity to reaffirm the role of women in the world and their potential also in scientific and technological subjects which, despite many battles and developments, are still subjects often identified […]