Stock Markets Today January 28: Growth in France and Spain, and slower growth in Germany

Stock Markets Today January 28: Growth in France and Spain, and slower growth in Germany

Milan –The closing of European stock exchanges on a day is still conditioned by the geopolitical turmoil between the United States and Russia over the Ukraine issue and the implications for tight money coming from the Federal Reserve. Europe also deals with the latest growth figures released by the continent’s major countries. Waiting for Italian data, which arrives on Monday, today will be France, Germany and Spain. French gross domestic product in the fourth quarter of 2021 grew 0.7% from the previous quarter, topping analysts’ estimates that, according to Bloomberg, had expected a 0.5% rise. For the whole of 2021, the country’s growth rate was 7%. The Spanish number is also good. Madrid’s GDP in the fourth quarter of 2021 grew by 2% compared to the previous three months, exceeding the expectations of analysts who, according to Bloomberg, had expected a 1.4% rise. Compared to the fourth quarter of 2020, the increase was 5.2%. According to the National Institute of Statistics, growth in 2021 was 5%, lower than the +6.5% estimated by the government but higher than forecasts by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and the International Monetary Fund. Instead, Germany is slowing down. German GDP recorded a contraction of 0.7% in the fourth quarter of the year compared to the previous quarter. The result was worse than expected by analysts who, according to Bloomberg, estimated a decline of 0.3%. Compared to the fourth quarter of 2020, the economy grew by 1.4%.

a Paris Cac is down 0.82%, a Frankfurt Dax yields 1.31% to London The FTSE 100 is down 1.09%. to Milan Ftse Mib is down 1.18%. In Asia closed with a strong recovery TokyoAfter three consecutive sessions of declines at the end of a nervous week due to the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy indicators. At the end of trading, the Nikkei was up 2.09%.

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He. She diffuse Between the BTP and the Bund, it closes at 138 points, with the Italian 10-year yield of 1.35%, without major jolts from anything else being done when the new President of the Republic is elected.

Among the raw materials petroleum on high. In New York in the afternoon, contracts on ti rose 2% to $88.34 a barrel.

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