Speaking Catalan is an essential element in the integration of immigrants in Andorra, according to a study

Speaking Catalan is an essential element in the integration of immigrants in Andorra, according to a study

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Communicate regularly in Catalan One remains A very important item To consider that the person is integrated in Andorra. This is what resultsStudy on migration, done last year to nearly eight hundred residents. This aspect was rated as very or somewhat important by 83.3% of participants. However, there was a decrease of 8.6 points compared to the data of the past two decades, when it was the most important element. Adapting to the Andorran lifestyleBy 90.1%, and Participation in social lifewith a percentage of 84.2%, has become a priority to achieve a good perception of integration on the part of immigrants in Andorra.

Regarding Need to know the Catalan language To live there, the percentage of people who think so has declined, from 64.4% in 2002 to 50.3% in the latest survey. On the other hand, those who say it is necessary “only in some areas” rose by almost the same percentage, from 20.6% twenty years ago to 36.1% in 2022. Moreover, according to the study, people of Andorran nationality and those who live In the country for many years they see this as more necessary.

Among the reasons for defending the need for Catalan, participants see: It is the official language of the emirate And he is one Integration element. On the contrary, those who believe that it exists only in some areas claim that “there is more than one language”, that Catalan is only used in institutional areas or that “Spanish is spoken more”.

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Sociology Coordinator DrAndorra Research and Innovation (P+I), Joan MicoHe notes that the context of the further arrival of migration to Andorra that has occurred in recent years must be taken into account when understanding this vision. However, he wanted to make clear that one of the undisclosed risks would be the fact that it is “not necessary” for children of immigrants to know Catalan.

Block BattleThis was explained by the researcher in the field of sociology AR+I Learn the language, participate in social life, and acquire the customs of the country They are the main elements of the theory of integration of immigrant populations, although these people are already taking steps to become part of heterogeneous Andorra.

On the other hand, the survey also asked for an assessment of the situation The degree of empathy they feel towards people from different countries and regions of the world. In this sense, A. said: Catalonia It goes from 7.6 in 2002 to 7.7 last year. He falls behindAndalusWhich is 8.1 compared to 7.3 twenty years ago; Other autonomous communities of the Spanish Statewith 8.0 in 2022 and 7.3 in 2002; I Galicia, With a 7.8 in the latest poll and a 7.0 in the one that preceded it two decades ago.

Immigration is positive for Andorra

The results of the study concluded that Immigration is viewed positivelyThis is according to the answers of 85% of the sample. Only 6% consider it negative, and 9% consider it neither positive nor negative. The main reason for acceptance is that newcomers are essential to the functioning of the economy. In addition, 60% of residents who participated in the report defended the current worker quota system. On the other hand, 25.5% believe that the entry of immigrants should be facilitated and 14% believe that it should be restricted.

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Andorra’s population has increased tenfold over the past sixty years. Among these, the proportion of people with dual Spanish and French nationalities has remained unchanged in the past decade, while the proportion of Portuguese has decreased and the proportion of other nationalities has increased, including those from Latin America.

As for the professions of these people, their presence is more in Hospitality, trade and construction sectors By young immigrants or those with only a few years of residence in the country. The second generation, born in Andorra, obtains more qualified jobs.

Finally, among the most valuable aspects of their situation in Andorra compared to their place of origin are public safety, the natural environment, quality of life, work, and health care. Conversely, housing prices and social relationships are the most negative factors for participants.

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