Spain, Pedro Sánchez is Prime Minister again: majority (from a small number of votes) with eight parties

Spain, Pedro Sánchez is Prime Minister again: majority (from a small number of votes) with eight parties

Spain, Pedro Sánchez is Prime Minister again: majority (from a small number of votes) with eight parties

Pedro Sanchez assumes the presidency of the Spanish government for the third time. By a majority of 179 votes in favor and 171 against, Parliament granted confidence to the socialist leader: a vote that confirms the agreement on amnesty between the PSOE and the Catalan independents, an option that strongly divides the country. In favor of Sanchez’s new mandate […]

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Pedro Sanchez And president to the Spanish government for the third time. with 179 upvotes And 171 against Parliament She gave her confidence to the socialist leader: a vote confirms the agreement onpardon between Pso they Catalan IndependentsIt is a choice that strongly divides the country. Seven political forces plus the Socialist Workers’ Party voted in favor of Sánchez’s new mandate: the Left Coalition SumerCatalan independence parties Erk And ShipsBasque Beldo And BNVGalician Party Png And the Canary Islands Copy. Antonyms i commonFar-right representatives Fox And the Navarra party.

Sánchez was born in Madrid on February 29, 1972, and assumed leadership of the Spanish government for the first time in 1972. June 2018When it replaced popular Mariano RajoyCongress ousted him with A Movement of no confidence. From that moment on, he never left the Spanish leadership. At that time he was at the head of the one-party government of the Socialist Workers’ Party, an experiment that endedApril 2019When they were detained Early elections.

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After that session, Sánchez continued to serve as Prime Minister Current affairs Until his re-election November 2019called because Procrastination Between parties unable to form a new majority. In January 2020, Sanchez took over Chapter II Politician, leading a government coalition composed of the Socialist Party and Oneidas Podemos. After the elections that he himself had previously called for, A July 2023After a severe defeat in… Administrative elections He remained in office again in May until today’s vote giving him his third term in Parliament Moncloa.

The possibility of forming a new government became possible thanks to a dialogue With the independents also based on an amnesty that ended up in the government’s crosshairs right. They have been detained daily in Spain for more than a week Demonstrations In different cities. to MadridIn particular, the marches reached large proportions and also witnessed participation Extremist groupsIncluding Fox. There was no shortage of Clashes With the police, and in some cases several groups of demonstrators attempted to do so Attack on the headquarters of the Socialist Party.

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