Solar panels for balconies is it really worth installing them?

Solar panels for balconies is it really worth installing them?

Is it possible to achieve energy independence through a balcony panel? Obviously not, but some savings can still be made. Here are the strengths and weaknesses, with an emphasis on tax cuts

Save on bills? Many think about setting Solar Panels To reduce the increasingly high costs of bills that inevitably arrive in the mailbox. And who can’t do that because they don’t live in a detached house and have to submit to the decisions of the apartment complex? The solution, at least in part, exists and is represented solar panels for balcony.

Why partial? One balcony light panel, even intuitively, it cannot produce all the electricity needed for the needs of a household or office. However, his contribution to easing the bill could be intriguing. Let’s see why.

Solar panels for the balcony? To really save on your bill, switch to another power supply. You can find the best price with Tiscali Tagliacosti!

Solar panels for balcony, how do they work?

Little balcony photovoltaic system consists of one (or more) Team Able to “capture” solar radiation through the silicon cells of which it is composed.

These cells absorb photons and generate direct current. Paintings connected to reflectora device that converts direct current into alternately It makes it available for use by any home appliance.

How Much Energy Do Balcony Solar Panels Produce?

Strength is measured in Wpthe unit stands for i WAtt from sicco (extreme limits, therefore) that can be generated by a single solar panel.

Usually a file balcony light panel Has a strength rating 300 watts or a little more, and can produce nearly 400 kWh shook his head.

Each plate measures (more or less, depending on the manufacturer) 1.70 x 1 meter, weighing about twenty kilograms. Having a balcony long enough can be installed threeto reach an annual production of approx 1200 kWh. overcome, however, 800 watts The bureaucratic simplifications that we will talk about later will waste energy, and fall into the installation of a common photovoltaic system.

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Estimated average electricity consumption of an Italian household 2700 kWh per year. There is enough physical space for installation two panels (assuming a theoretical yield of 400 kWh x 2 panels) It can cover about 25% of the annual energy requirement.

The problem is that the yield we mentioned means in ideal conditions, which is exposure to the south, for as many hours of sunshine as possible per day and a mile at least 65 degrees compared to the occurrence of sunlight.

On the balcony of an apartment building, even if it is well exposed, it is difficult to get constant solar radiation throughout the day. For this reason, I Actual returns are lower Compared to what some rather “optimistic” companies promise.

Do you really want to save on your bill? Switch to another power supply. You can find the best price with Tiscali Tagliacosti!

Solar panels for balconies: different permits, licenses and bureaucracy

After the conversion law no. 34/2022 from Decree-Law N. 17/2022And the The installation of photovoltaic systems is greatly simplified. In particular, they are considered Regular maintenance interventions It is not subject to permits, permits, or “administrative approval procedures”.

As for the Historic centers and the Restricted areasAnd the Panel installation Embedded in the invisible surfaces of outdoor public spaces and panoramic views editor.

dwelling in condominiumit is necessary to make a connection in connection with the installation of the panels, in accordance with the requirements of Art. 1122 bis of the Civil Code. In this regard, it is much better to obtain an authorization decision from the association. the reason? Some condominiums can object to the potential aesthetic “invasion” of panels on the facade. Also pay attention to any landscaping restrictions imposed by the single municipality in certain areas.

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Regarding the installed power, up to 350 watts (Hence, one panel) It is only necessary to submit a pass to the network administrator (the so-called Unica Arera connections). for Systems from 350 to 800 wattsin addition to contacting the operator, a declaration of conformity regarding the system and its wiring diagram is also necessary.

It is necessary to ask the administrator to install a file Bi-directional counterso that the energy fed into the network (paradoxically…) is not counted as consumed energy, and therefore is calculated as cost.

The Systems up to 350 watts They are also called “Connect and playThey are the simplest to use: it is enough to install and connect them directly to an electrical socket that has its own dedicated line, with a proportional circuit breaker, inside the home electrical system.

If the implant is preserved less than 800 wattsany additional energy produced is fed into the national grid, but without getting any pay (as happens in larger PV systems).

The cost of photovoltaic panels for balconies and tax deductions

The cost of a single panel depends on the quality of the unit. Usually, prices range from as low as 300 EUR A maximum 600 euros.

For incentives, you can access Tax deduction of 50% of expenses incurred, which can be recovered in 10 years through a tax return, or (some operators do) by transferring a 50% credit to the person installing the panels, with a deduction on the invoice.

Pros and cons of photovoltaic panels for balconies. how much do you save

installation of one or more solar panels for balcony (or a railing if you prefer) definitely useful for Save on your billprovided that some points are taken into account.

If you don’t want to resort to balcony panels, let alone use a balcony light system, An alternative to saving on your bill consists in change the power supply.

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the reason? It is suggested by many operators Fixed Price Offers That allows you to defend yourself from constant increases. In any case, among the hundreds of prices available, there is definitely one that will meet your family’s consumption needs.

How to choose the right priceIf you are not an expert in this sector? Simply by relying on a comparison tool, such as Tiscali TagliacostiWho compares the offers of the best operators. waste of time? no one. And the advice is Free And without commitment.

The Advantages to have a small child balcony photovoltaic system Hmm, so:

  • – reduce consumption: There is a small saving in the bill, in fact, it is around 90€/year per plate. Obviously in optimal conditions
  • – small size: Single panel takes up very little space
  • – Permissions Required: no one
  • Mobility: Some boards are smaller (but also less robust) than those mentioned in this article and can be taken with you on a camping trip, boat, second home etc. to me this is the address You can see what the market has to offer.

The Negatives Instead they are:

  • Weak autonomy: given by the very nature of the system, which for obvious reasons can only cover a small part of the domestic energy needs
  • – Does not guarantee self-sufficiency. Which instead will be ensured by a photovoltaic system from the balcony with storage (the so-called systems Out of network coveragecompletely separate from the power supply)
  • The return on investment takes years: A very rough estimate is from 5 to 10. The variables involved are: the amount of produced energy consumed relative to that coming from the grid (the more Self consumptionthe higher the better), the orientation of the panels, the amount of hours of sunshine in the day they receive, the quality of the panels.

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