A pesar que siga una situació que algunes persones han arribat a considerar com alguna cosa corrent, la cremor després dels menjars no és normal i pot ser un símptoma de reflux àcid. Si s’experimenta cremor de manera freqüent o intensa, abans d’automedicar-se és recomanable consultar amb un especialista per a obtindre un diagnòstic adequat.
It’s like a butterfly in the neck. It is a formidable regulator of our well-being. But sometimes it doesn’t work well, to the point where there are nearly six million people in Italy Thyroid problems. Unfortunately, in addition to the specific objective conditions – it must always be remembered that thyroid diseases should be addressed […]
A meeting organized by the University of Bologna, in cooperation with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, to promote knowledge of lines of research conducted by scientists from Ukraine who are currently carrying out study and research activities in Italy will take place Tuesday, November 28 at 3 p.min the Manfredi Hall, Academy of Sciences (Via Zamboni, […]
Yesterday, the Ministry of Health announced the inclusion of a test to detect human papillomavirus (HPV) in the examination of women and people with cervicitis between the ages of 30 and 65 years, with the aim of improving the detection of this infection before it develops into cervical cancer. . In this way, for this […]