Smartphone Spring Cleaning: The trick to freeing up space on your phone in a second You save us a day

Smartphone Spring Cleaning: The trick to freeing up space on your phone in a second You save us a day
iPhone: Spring Cleaning (web) –

Spring is the season designated, in the collective imagination, for cleaning the house after winter.

This is because the beautiful days begin, and there are more hours of light, thus, you can keep your windows and balconies open longer. In a word, you can completely clean the house without haste and without fear that heavy rain will fall on it. It is for this reason that, in this period, homes are turned upside down for deep cleaning.

In fact, spring cleaning isn’t just for homes. In fact, it is also very useful for our electronic devices, especially smartphones. Of course, you can say that this type of cleaning can also be done at other times of the year. We did not find ourselves in disagreement with what you confirmed.

However, the fact remains that in the spring or in another season it will be necessary to clean the device in order to preserve both its memory and its functioning. This must be done periodically and not only when the smartphone is now in water when it is shaved and not working well.

In short, it’s better safe than sorry, don’t you think? And in this article we will give you tips on how to work. We will go through the faster one and the manual one which is a bit slower but will allow you to delete certain content at your discretion. Make yourself comfortable and read the article till the end, because in the end you will be thanking us.

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Free up space on your phone in a few easy steps – the cool trick.

Let’s see how next cleaning yours iPhone from top to bottom. There are many ways and here is a quick way to delete unwanted contacts in address book very quickly. Click the green phone on house And go to the contact section. Catch He was arrested on contact from exclude And with another finger, scroll down to select Others as well.

iPhone: Spring Cleaning (web) –

Once specified Everything, just hold down on one communication. A will come out menu Inside it you will have to click on it Delete contacts If you are really sure. Of course, this option is also available if you want to exclude Telecommunications manually one after another. no you will choose one after another.

But there is something to help you end the a job way more fast. In this case, you will be able to delete all files Contacts associated with accounts. Just enter settingsClick Contacts And then, up accounts. You will find those related to phone or email accounts. Select one, click Contacts Finally up Delete contacts.

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