Controversy escalates over online joke sharing elden ring on twitter between Ahmed Salama, Rebecca Fernandez O’Shea and Blake Rebush: The developers at Ubisoft, Nixxes Software, and Guerrilla Games argue that FromSoftware’s soul-like ratings were too “lenient”.
Taking inspiration from Perfect Score andExceptional Average Rating for Elden Ring on OpenCritic (and other review compilers), Ubisoft UX Director Ahmed Salama, who was recently involved in the development of Battlefield 2042, began by saying on social networks how “The fact that Elden Ring has an average rating of 97 on Metacritic means that reviewers do not care at all about the quality of the work done in aspects such asuser interface. But then my life is a lie! “.
Rebecca Fernandez O’Shea responded to the post shared by Salama: The graphic programmer at Nixxes Software, a subsidiary of PlayStation Studios, has embraced her Ubisoft colleague’s theory and continues to speak perfectly by emphasizing how reviewers, in addition to critical issues of ‘interface, have not Take into account Elden Ring’s weaknesses “Graphics on PCat performance and in Moreit seems.
To top it off, we thought Blake Rebush, Senior Quest Designer for Guerrilla Games: Foundations for a development team Forbidden horizon west He returned to the speech begun by Salama and Oshi to add that, according to him, “also mission design“ By Elden Ring A video game would not deserve such a high average rating.
At the time of writing, Salama and Raboush’s Twitter profiles appear to be “protected” and thus can only be viewed by their followers, but users of the most popular video game forums immediately appealed and shared the “offensive” posts online again before they were blacked out. . While we await the developments of this unusual discourse among industry insiders, Rebecca Fernandez O’Shea’s Twitter profile (still available and “public”) is filled with questions from users who, rightly or not, would like to receive explanations from the Nixxes programmer. Programming.
Given that there was some criticism of Elden Ring’s “UX” from competing AAA developers, I was suitably buoyed.
– JezCorden March 6, 2022
even performance? This really baffles me, I thought I’d be a team player in this. I wonder if people would bother buying Metacritic 95 only to find that it works terribly on their PC.
– Rebecca Fernandez O’Shea (@chainedchaos31) March 6, 2022
Ah yes, you understand 🙂
I usually read a huge amount of user reviews and reviews on Steam after launch, to try and get to know all the weird issues that pop up. I like people to enjoy a game they spent money on – I feel bad if something is wrong it means they can’t.– Rebecca Fernandez O’Shea (@chainedchaos31) March 6, 2022
“Unable to type with boxing gloves on. Freelance organizer. Avid analyst. Friendly troublemaker. Bacon junkie.”