Serving Italian food in the US, in New York for a lesson in authenticity – in a nutshell

Serving Italian food in the US, in New York for a lesson in authenticity – in a nutshell

(by Gina de Meo) (ANSA) – NEW YORK, Oct. 18 – The Italian food world is trying to get rid of old labels in the US to start a new chapter in the name of authenticity. Through a series of events organized by the Institute of Foreign Trade (Ice) in New York, Italian produce and especially Italian restaurants are looking for a show that can present Italy today, no longer bound by the stereotypes of the past.

Chapter one of the so-called New Italy-US Dialogue is a master class, “Italian Restaurants Today”, at ICE’s New York headquarters, which explains the use of typical Italian products, as well as cooking techniques with a focus on immersive culinary experiences.

To this end, two great names in the Strip were called to the call, Chef Ernesto Iaccarino, stellar restaurateur Don Alfonso 1890, and pastry chef Andrea Zanin.

“With the growth of Italian exports to the United States – Antonino Laspina, Director and Coordinator of the ICE New York USA Network – explained to ANSA – we felt the need to open a new dialogue to explain Italian authenticity. The American consumer is now thanks to the Internet or traveling to Italy, when he returns home, he goes in search of Those products that can recreate the Italian experience. Not only in restaurants but also at home. Today’s keynote lecture (October 18th to read, editor) focuses on three themes in particular, the use of original ingredients, cooking times and methods, and the restaurant’s organizational model.”

According to US Department of Commerce data, US imports of food and beverage products from Italy between 2020 and 2021 grew by more than 18% with levels much higher than the pre-pandemic period when the figure was 2.5%.

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“We are also trying to conquer – continues Laspina – consumers of Generation Z, the toughest, who tend to be ‘certified plant’ and also care about the environmental impact. We want to raise the level of knowledge of our products and the kitchen also to conquer their taste.”

Another event to introduce Italian authenticity is the celebration of one of the Italian products par excellence, pasta. Close to World Pasta Day on October 25, the American public will be invited to fully immerse themselves in the restaurant where pasta is the only hero, La Devozione at Chelsea Market. “This is a pasta factory (Di Martino, editor) that has been proposed as a platform for consumers – pushing Laspina back on – and another opportunity to celebrate Italian authenticity.”

The big event is scheduled for November 14-20, with the Week of Italian Cuisine in the World. (Dealing).

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