Serena Bortoni attacked the beloved host: “I wanted my place on Rai 1” | A quarrel in Piazza Mazzini

Serena Bortoni attacked the beloved host: “I wanted my place on Rai 1” |  A quarrel in Piazza Mazzini

Serena Bortone fans can’t believe it! A colleague made a completely unexpected shot with his left hand. This is who he is

He was born in Rome on September 8, 1970. Serena Bortoni She is one of the successful broadcasters from opinion. In 2010 she was the author of the first edition of Agorà and from 2020 until June of this year she was responsible for conducting Today is another day.

In search of the ark, the leftovers, at the last minute, RaiTre sends me, everyone is safe for love And many other programs It can be read in his extensive biography. Unfortunately, the network’s senior management was not given the opportunity to propose a new version of Today is another day.

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“You don’t always choose what you do in a company. But I think… Change brings new motivations “Not just at work.”So it began when he made the sad announcement to his loyal fans.

24,000 hours in six years in front of the cameras and now it will add even more to the fans’ joy because we will see her again on weekends with… What will happen… In a place Fabio Fazio. He has also been in the spotlight recently for another reason involving one of his colleagues. Let’s find out who he is.

An unexpected confession from a colleague about Serena Bortone

The concerned colleague keeps the company running every day at the helm of the company Your facts with Anna Valchi. Soon he will blow out another candle, the fifty-ninth candle to be precise. He is none other than Tiberio Timberi. During one of countless interviews, he made clear his opinion on romantic relationships.

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“I’m almost 60… I meet every now and then, but with little confidence… My analyst always tells me: Make good friends and don’t be alone. I’ve been through two very bad depressions.”. Thanks to the intervention of specialists, he was able to overcome this bad moment and is now devoting himself intensely to work. Regarding Serena, Bortone wanted to clarify a few things.

Lyrics by Tiberio Timperi -
Tiberio Timperi –

“I wanted to replace him at Rai1”

to the morning The host spoke freely about his private and professional life. He was often accompanied by lovely colleagues and there was no shortage of discussions with some. I called my sister Ingrid Mochitelli While with Francesca Vialdini And Monica Citta He encountered some problems: “We argued but then we came to a solution.”. The conversation then focused on Burtone.

“She complained this summer about her telling me I wanted to replace her at Rai1 on Oggi è un’altro giorno. ‘I’m not really thinking about it,’ I told her. Rai folklore, no problem.”. In fact, it is now in place The right time with Katerina Balivo. Regarding the Timperi case And it ended in the best way Once the misunderstanding is cleared up.

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