Search. Here are the 10 greatest scientists of 2022 according to Nature magazine.

Search.  Here are the 10 greatest scientists of 2022 according to Nature magazine.

From James Webb telescope lady Jane Rigby, to Chinese researcher Yun Long Cao, who predicted the arrival of different types of SarsCoV2 virus, to UN Secretary Antonio Guterres: their scientific commitment to science in 2022 according to the list published by Nature.

Svetlana Krakowska, head of the Ukrainian delegation to the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), rejoins the top 10.
Svetlana Krakowska, head of the Ukrainian delegation to the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), rejoins the top 10.

KEYSTONE/AP Photo/Nariman El-Mofty

Besides scientists and doctors, a lot of space is given to personalities with a strong social and political commitment, such as Svetlana Krakowskahead of the Ukrainian delegation to the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and demographer Diana Green FosterWhich showed the dangers of the American anti-abortion law.

The list begins with the astronomer Gene Rigbyfrom NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, which was instrumental in bringing the James Webb Space Telescope into space, is set to continue Hubble’s legacy and allow for the most detailed observations ever made.

The surgeon is also mentioned Muhammad Mohiuddinof the University of Maryland in Baltimore, who was one of the authors of the first human heart transplant from a transgenic pig.

Covid researchers

Geneticist Yun Long Kaoof Peking University, has the merit of contributing to tracking the evolution of SarsCoV2 virus, and predicting some of the mutations underlying the variants.

Still on the topic of covid, Lisa McCorkle Deserves a spot on the list for helping raise awareness of the dangers of Long-Covid through the patient organization I co-founded.

An important role of the physician has also been recognized Demi Ogwina of Amasuna University, Nigeria, helping to combat the Mpox epidemic.

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Social and political commitment

Among the top ten personalities of the year according to Nature magazine, who are distinguished by their social and political commitment, is the Secretary-General of the United Nations Antonio GuterresNature calls it the “conscience of the world” for the role it has played in motivating countries to address crises such as the invasion of Ukraine and climate change.

There is also Svetlana Krakowskahead of the Ukrainian delegation to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which according to Nature magazine has heavily emphasized the links between the Russian invasion and humanity’s dependence on fossil fuels.

And there too Salim ul-Haqdirector of the International Center for Climate Change and Development in Dhaka, Bangladesh, who helped secure pledges from rich countries in the COP27 international negotiations to pay for damages caused by climate change.

American scientists

Diana is also on the list Green Fosteran abortion researcher and demographer at the University of California, San Francisco, who, on the basis of scientific data, has repeatedly stressed the outrageous impact of the United States Supreme Court’s decision on abortion access.

Finally Alondon NelsonAppointed Director of the US President’s Office of Science and Technology Policy Joe Biden.

Nature shared a video on Twitter showing photos of the characters in the top 10.

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