Scudetto Napoli 2023, tomorrow the decision to postpone the derby. Mayor of Salerno: “Don’t change the championship”

Scudetto Napoli 2023, tomorrow the decision to postpone the derby.  Mayor of Salerno: “Don’t change the championship”

Fans: “Give us the far sector.”

Big mess about the Scudetto. Napoli still don’t know if they will play Salernitana on Saturday or Sunday. “For Ticketone, moving the match doesn’t change anything because tickets sold for Saturday will also be usable on Sunday,” TicketOne Sport Business Director Amedeo Bardelli explained on Radio Marte. The sell-out prompts fans to demand that the far sector be opened to the Neapolitans. “We are waiting for what the competent authorities will say. For me there is no problem with the guest segment being put up for sale even if some of the seats are not for sale. So the number of places will be limited, about two thousand. I see no obstacles in putting it up for sale. Today, it takes a stadium that can accommodate more than 100,000 people to meet all requests.”

The “cemetery” of defeated teams

The many genius idea of ​​the Neapolitans to have a scudetto is now in their pockets. A real cemetery built in the street with crosses depicting the Serie A teams, the one that Spalletti’s side has been eliminated week after week.

The funeral monument is an idea of ​​the inhabitants of the “Case Nuove” area, near Corso Garibaldi, a gimmick that has attracted in a short time the eyes of Azzurri fans ready for the ceremony but also curious. Obviously the last to be ‘buried’ is Juventus, who were beaten both ways by Osimhen and his team mates in a magical season.

Children play with silhouettes

A virtual ball-and-chain dribbling between Napoli players reproduced in life-size cardboard figures on a pitch prepared to celebrate the impending Scudetto. It takes place in Traiano where the almost three-dimensional effect (or rather two-and-a-half dimensions) gives the children who play it the feeling of participating with their favorites in real action. The silhouettes reproduce the namesake eleven, with Osimhen at the center of the attacking lineup.

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There is also a picture of the bench in which the reserve players take their seats, while Coach Spalletti, who may have been given a few centimeters of height by the builders of the stadium, reaches out from the sidelines to cheer the team on. Around the stadium, located at the entrance to the densely populated Fuorigrotta district, gadget kiosks await customers are dotted.

Mayor of Salerno: Don’t change the championship

“We will be taking formal steps with the commissioner and governor to ensure that the tournament is unbalanced.” This is what the mayor of Salerno, Vincenzo Napoli, said on the sidelines of an event, speaking of the possibility of postponing the Napoli-Salernitana derby. A hypothesis that raises a lot of controversy in the city of Salerno. “We understand the reasons for public order, but they must be coupled with aspects of the regularity of the tournament, which must be free from prejudice. Matches can be moved but conditions are created so that the continuation of the tournament is not disturbed and teams have the opportunity to recover sportingly and physically. We need to make sure that everything carries with it balanced thinking, ”explained the mayor. «We do not have to fight battles in the bell tower, we have a logical and balanced reasoning. I think – concluded Napoli – that there are conditions to ensure that everything is kept and Salernitana is not penalized in this mechanism that would run the risk of being crushed.

The decision will be on Thursday

The sources of the Prefecture of Naples report that the decision to postpone the Napoli-Salernitana match from Saturday 29 April to Sunday 30 will be taken tomorrow, Friday 27 April.

Environmentalists protest

«In these hours, thousands of trees in the Naples region, but also in the rest of Campania, were covered with white and blue breathable plastic, which, if not quickly disposed of, could cause serious damage to the shrubs, as reported by several agronomists. This is why we call on all fans to quickly free regions from these trappings. We also call on everyone to stop using tarpaulins and plastic tapes used as wreaths, as they increase the level of pollution in the area and are difficult to dispose of and remove. Finally, we believe that it is unreasonable to organize a procession of smoke bombs in the Park of Vesuvius due to it being a restricted and protected area and because of the risks of causing fires and pollution so harmful to those already severely affected. environmental system. The party does not turn into ecological ruin »: thus Francesco Emilio Borelli’s deputy, Europa Verde’s deputy and other environmentalists.

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The meeting concluded: what is happening

The meeting concluded in the National Observatory of Sporting Events which evaluated the requests received from the local health authority, the police force, the Mayor of Naples and the Napoli Football Club: the matter would have been postponed Casms, the operational staff who will meet on Thursday morning

Jeffy predicts Saturday

The news was presented by Federico Grassi, President of Gevi Napoli, during the presentation of the GP Lotteria di Agnano, scheduled for May 1st. The request to advance the Gevi-Pesaro match was accepted for reasons of public order to avoid this being associated with the final celebration of the scudetto. It will take place on Saturday 29 at 19 instead of Sunday 30 at 17.30

Two thousand agents and traffic stops in Naples

The request to merge Napoli-Salernitana and Inter-Lazio on Sunday is due to “reasons of public order”. Two thousand agents are already on their way to Naples as reinforcements, to which must be added the men and women of the army. The city center is closed to traffic. Postponing the Azzurri game—that’s the rationale for other coincidences with Comicon and the Gevi match—would at least mitigate the crowd on Saturday, which at that point would have happened on Sunday if the results of the two matches had been identical.

A phone call from Manfredi to Cassini

The province, Viminali, Naples, the municipality and the city council are pushing for the potential Azzurri championship weekend to be reduced to Sunday only with two matches at the same time: Inter-Lazio at 12.30 and Napoli-Salernitana to follow while today is scheduled for Saturday at 3 pm or at the latest at the same time as the match in Milan. Consolidation of the bids – prompted by Rome and Naples – “for reasons of public order”. Just think of the 2,000 agents who are already on their way to Naples as reinforcements, to which the men and women of the army must be added. The city center is closed to traffic. A postponement of the Azzurri match – here is the reason – would relieve the crowd on Saturday at least, which at that point would have taken place on Sunday had the results of the two matches matched. This was explained by the city’s mayor, Gaetano Manfredi, in a long phone call with the president of the Italian League, Lorenzo Cassini, proposing the hypothesis of postponing the Napoli match. This is the answer of Cassini, who was at Stadio Salerno yesterday evening: “We are in contact with the Viminali Observatory, if there are reasons related to the general system to move the match, the league will adapt”.

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