“Science in Cinema” review between pandemic and climate change returns to Carbon

“Science in Cinema” review between pandemic and climate change returns to Carbon

Mantova Cinnamyl Carbone La CenzalacinemaMantova, October 31. – Science takes back the big screen. Wednesday 2 November in cinema coal The new season of science in cinemaa review of documentaries dedicated to current scientific events, accompanied in the room by scientists and experts from the most prestigious Italian research centers.

The fury of the pandemic season and the increasingly obvious consequences of climate changeignited a new and unstructured interest in science, often searching for the ultimate facts or answers that made mistrust and doubt grow more out of a more conscious and responsible attitude toward society and the planet.

Science in cinema deals with some of the issues that touch us closely With the rigor of the scientific method and the splendor of cinema, we always offer new topics for discussion and the possibility to discuss them with those who do research every day.

Wednesday 2 November Start with melting glaciers. in the ice The recent expedition of three researchers to Greenland tells us to understand the speed at which this vast ice reserve is declining, causing a gradual rise in sea levels. The film will be presented by glaciologist Filippo Maffezzoli of Ca’ Foscari University in Venice.

Instead, it talks about how large industry groups are polluting correct information about the health or environmental effects of consumer products La Fabrice de la Gourancedecision Tuesday 8 November With the participation of science journalist Antonio Scalari.

Carbon – Unauthorized CV (Wednesday 15 November) tells the glorious and controversial history of carbon, crucial to the emergence of life on our planet and accused today as the main threat to its disappearance. In dialogue with the audience, it will be Gianfranco Pacioni, chemist and author of Viva la CO2!

mushrooms talk (Wednesday November 22Instead, it deals with one of the latest fascinating scientific discoveries: the so-called Wood Wide Web, an underground network created thanks to the mediation of fungi between the different plant species that make up an ecosystem. It will be introduced to the room by Paola Bonfant, Professor Emeritus of the University of Turin and expert in the symbiosis of fungi and plants.

to close the review Wednesday 29 November Sarah Invisible ExtinctionA journey through the increasingly declining complex system of bacteria, viruses and other organisms that inhabit our body, with the risk of exacerbating many diseases such as asthma, diabetes and food allergies. She will discuss with the audience Silvia Toroni, Professor of Chemistry and Biotechnology of Fermentation at the University of Bologna.

All films are shown in their original language with Italian subtitles. 5 films subscription: 15 euros. Single ticket: €7 full, €5 for Coal Cinemas members and under 25.

Movies are also available for school morning screenings. Ticket cost for students: 4 euros (free for accompanying teachers). Classes interested in screenings should contact the Coal Cinema to arrange the date.

informations: 0376.369860 , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need to enable JavaScript to view it. And the www.ilcinemadelcarbone.it .

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