Science and Reality”, the first national conference held in Kapitanata

Science and Reality”, the first national conference held in Kapitanata

Emergency Maxi: The 1st National Training Conference in Foggia from September 21 to 22

It will be held in Foggia on September 21-22, 2022 “Maxiemergenze: Science and Reality”, the first national conference held in Capitanata Of this magnitude aiming to train, through common methods and tools in the management of adverse events, all those professional personalities who work daily with self-denial in the emergency system.

Relevant training module In order to meet both extreme emergencies associated with increasingly frequent natural phenomena, such as epidemics, floods or fires, rail, road and air accidents, but also extreme emergencies of very current importance such as NBCR, nuclear, biological, chemical and radiological.

“Conference – explain Stefano ColelliDirector of the composite structure of the 118 operations centers of the Réonetti Polyclinic in Foggia – It is dedicated to the memory of the late and never forgotten Dr.. Luciano de Mutisthe first central manager who, starting from scratch, was able to create with the help of good collaborators such as Dr. Rafael Castellano friendship. Ernesto La SalviaAn organizational structure capable of responding to the needs of the region..

Dr. Coleli is the promoter and president of the conference And from the early days of his founding at the helm of the 118 of the Capitanata, he decided to focus a lot on training because, as he has repeatedly said, it is essential to be prepared for an emergency. “chest fist”.

Of the 118 in particular, each action should be planned in the best possible way in synergy with the territory. 118, in fact, is the structure of the emergency medical and emergency service responsible for receiving the alert, evaluating current events, determining the dimensions of the event and sending assistance in a logical and modified way, handling emergency vehicles, but even with the police . Here, then, on the cover of the conference Hug in the shape of a heart starts directly with the symbol 118 It wraps around ambulances, vehicles and even helicopters. “My goal is to create an emergency network, trying to integrate the district and the hospital as much as possible – Dr. Coleli continues – This year we have prepared more than 1500 specialists. What has never happened before in Capitanata.”

Activation of the maximum contingency plan in the event of a disaster is essential Because it provides, in a relatively short period of time, highly qualified and trained means and personnel, with the aim of reducing damage, but above all saving many human lives. Hence the need to convene a meeting of all those working in 118 operational centers or in regional health emergencies, the preparation and updating of which are indispensable in dealing with highly dangerous and complex emergencies.

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Conference speakers are selected from among physicians and professionals involved in emergency/urgency situations and experienced trainers. On Thursday, September 21, in the meeting room of Formedil, after the greetings of the authorities at 8.30, the work will begin. During the day, after the opening dedicated to the work and personality of Luciano De Mutiis, the role of civil protection and technical schedules will be discussed with the Province of Foggia, among others, with the early diagnosis of a cerebrovascular accident. The new “infrascan” method and POCUS, i.e. the advanced use of emergency ultrasound, as well as the intervention method and HEMS protocols, never forget how important the golden hour is to save lives.

event leader, Fantastic simulation of the extreme emergency generated by an NBCR attack Which will take place on the morning of Friday, September 22nd and will take place in space in front of DEU’s helipad at the Riuniti dispensary. With the participation of several health workers, an attack with chemical agents will be simulated and the planned actions will be carried out: the perimeter of the affected area, alerting the system of a major event / disaster with the intervention of special technical fire brigades, triage, assistance to the wounded, stabilization and evacuation of Noria.

The complexity of “major accident” rescues, as will be inferred from the simulation, requires a vastly different approach than that used in everyday medical emergencies: in other words It is not enough to multiply the rescue teams to better face the extreme emergency scenario, but it is necessary that the various subjects involved become one team.

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Why this conference? The answer is in the brochure hole: “She did not make you live like beasts, but rather pursue virtue and knowledge.”Where, when taking Canto XXVI from Dante’s Inferno, it is clear that one must never stop learning to face life and its unexpected events in an efficient and always effective way.

On the first day, the training targets 100 participants Among surgeons of all specialties, nurses and rescuers, they will be given the opportunity to obtain 12 ECM training credits, while on the second day they will also be able to help interested citizens. Registrations are already active online on the Athena Eventi website www.atenaeventi.comWhich holds the organizational secretariat and the press office.

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