From climate change to artificial intelligence, the theater of wonders returns to the city: “Eighteen dates between science, art, and international proposals”

From climate change to artificial intelligence, the theater of wonders returns to the city: “Eighteen dates between science, art, and international proposals”

Trento. From September 27 to meOctober 8in Trento, Theater of Wonders in its version 2022, which will look to Europe. A review from the organization Arditodesìo And the University of Trento That will lead to the city Eighteen events between theater and science (intensive lectures)with topics ranging from medicine to artificial intelligence and climate change to the impact of algorithms on our daily lives.

This year’s festival has become even more internationalwith’Full section of events in EnglishIt was organized in cooperation with the partners committed to the project.curious “activated under the “Creative Europe” programme.

born in 2017The Theater of Wonders, directed by Andrea Brunelloplaywright, director and actor, founder of Portland Theatre, H Stefano OsProfessor in the Department of PhysicsUniversity of Trento And the representative of the president of the university for scientific communication.

“Theatre of Wonders 2022 – Announces Brunello – Focuses on it Topics of absolute importance and urgency: for the first time, with a dimension international. We are convinced that cross-border research offers significant opportunities for growth and this is a path that we will follow more and more in the coming years,” he adds.

Professor Stefano Os, who asserts that “lUniversity of Trento It has always been to caution to me Initiatives at any Pollution between science and art is relatedIn addition to amplifying the attendance and social commitment of scholars, scientific theater, like the Wonder Theater, opens the way to new experiences, narrative facts, and Experimenting with new languagesin favor of a large scale Users are not necessarily professionals“.

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It will start on Tuesday September 27 with presentation in Englishfuture medicine‘, while the next day will be the ‘mini-reinforcement’ lecture.ignorant computer worldfollowed by the presentationThe black box – inside the algorithm“. Thursday 29 The role will be instead ofthe end. And then? Stories of the past that became the future. The 30space will be devoted to physics, with “Molecular sorcery”, by and with Raffaello Potestio and Enrico Tavernini.

The next day Saturday October 1will interrogate La Piccionaia Sanbàpolis in”Science and Society: Why They Don’t Understand Each Other‘, from the text of Massimiliano Bocci. Tuesday 4the festival will enter the Palazzo delle Albere as a guest on Muse for “man-made earth”, a collaboration between the University of Trento and the Theater Arts at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech). Wednesday 5 and Thursday 6Instead, space will be given to international proposals In English. FridayInstead, Arditodesìo will presentRNA revolution“. The The festival will conclude on Saturday 8 with “Physics and the possible mathematical worlds“.

The tickets For offers for sale Online on me www.teatrodellameraviglia.itor available at Portland Theater with Special discounts for students.

Many appointments will be anticipated by short “show-openings” conducted by students of “Progetto Apollo”, a company born out of a theater training promoted by the Department of Physics at the University of Trento.

Besides the numerous performances, in the evenings September 28, 29, 30 and October 1, 7 and 8It will be open to the public in the lobby of the Sanpapolis Theater show Edited by level upa startup born out of a laboratory for communication in the physical sciences UniTrento. establishments that They will explore the intersections between the physics of light and visual perception.

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