Science and Health: Fish (April) Ally Diet

Science and Health: Fish (April) Ally Diet

‘The First of April and fishis the title of the new episode of “Il Gusto della Salute,” the online column created and coordinated by an immunologist. Mauro Minelli, Southern Italy Focal Point for Personalized Medicine. “In the foreground A brief reference to the origins of the joke day traditionI, the so-called April Fool, associated with the change of the calendar in distant times (from the end of March, passed to January 1, complete with the harassment of those who did not update the new dates) or, simply, with the naivety of people who ended up in the net I joke like a poor fish, caught by deception. Minnelli explains that other traditions will be related to astrological mechanisms and the zodiac sign of Pisces…”.

But the focus of the episode is concerned with fish as a valuable food and an ally for our healthAs explained in his speech Nutritional biology Ilaria Vergallo: “Fish is an essential food in our diet; it contains Proteins of high biological value, and more digestible than those found in red meat. There are important minerals in fish And above all, mono and polyunsaturated fats like the famous ones Omega
3. Purely nutritionally, fish can be divided into low-fat, semi-fat and fat: the first includes bream, cod and sole; to second courses snapper and swordfish; To the last of them, namely, fat, salmon, mackerel, herring and others.”

“Populations that prefer fish in their diets have a very low chance of growing high cholesterol or Arteriosclerosis. Fish is good for you and should be eaten,” concludes Fergallo. Best if it is cooked, however, Minnelli resumes, “One of the dangers we face with raw fish is eating fear-infected meats. Anisakis, a potential host parasite of the intestines of several samples of oily fish and can be transmitted to the human body after ingestion of the latter, or eaten raw or undercooked. To escape the action of gastric juices, these parasites attack the mucous membranes with a perforating ability causing acute or even chronic parasites. They are also possible Allergic reactions Up to anaphylactic shock, to sensitize to heat-resistant antigen proteins of the parasite. With good cooking of fish these risks are eliminated.

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However, the possibilities remain Contraindicated for allergy sufferers due to histamine releasing capabilities Of this food increases as fish is eaten less fresh or loses its health properties through insufficiently controlled passages in the defined food chain. For the rest – Minnelli concludes – the fish is a legacy of noble Italian cuisine, which gives way to thousands of twists and to the most refined tastes. ”

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