Santoro vs. Grouper at half past eight

Santoro vs. Grouper at half past eight

Speaking of the moment of information, Michele Santoro recalled the case of Massimo Giletti and spoke correctly from La7: “Restricting freedom of information, it’s very dangerous”. “I go on air every day, and I don’t think there are any restrictions,” Lilly Gruber replies.

A vivid push-pull dialectic on “Otto e mezzo”. a guest Michelle Santoro Who defends Massimo Giletti with a sword and attacks La7: “The suspension is unacceptable”. Lili Gruber disagrees and corrects her colleague: “La7 has made its position clear.” Santoro replies: “Why do we close the program from morning to evening? Unacceptable”, this is Michelle Santoro’s attack on the information system, and goes to the merits of the Giletti case.

The words of Michel Santoro

Michele Santoro talks about the moment of information and mentions the case of Massimo Giletti and does it directly from La7. Lilli Gruber tries to intervene and determines that La7 has instead given all causes of the case.

Information is shrinking and La7, which is the island of liberty compared to rai newscasts etc., has had a very dangerous episode. It seems to me that closing the program from morning to evening without giving proper reasons is very dangerous.

Lily Gruber replied

Lily Gruber’s exasperated response: “You’re talking about information limitations here on La7, I’ve been on the air every night for a few years and I can guarantee we’ve never experienced any information limitations.” At that point, Michelle Santoro steps back and talks about the war stories: “I also say that we are less and less able to write war stories, relying on freelancers, and instead we should send expert journalists on air who can stand up to their publisher with calm and force.” Lilly Gruber pays attention to her editor: But what does this have to do with the A7? Silvia Sciorilli Borrelli of the Financial Times is also in the studio: “Why don’t you express a clear condemnation of Russia?” During the discussion, Michelle Santoro reminded her that I was “one of the few journalists who made a documentary on Chechnya to say that Putin’s intervention was perverted. I am against Putin for freedom, but freedom cannot be exported with weapons, but with confrontation based on culture and civil confrontation.”

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