Same situation, opposite treatments. From renovation to runway, hypotheses

Same situation, opposite treatments.  From renovation to runway, hypotheses

Kalidou Coulibaly And the Fabian Ruiz They are testing same situation From a contractual point of view. Their relationship with Napoli will end in June 2023However, personalized treatment appears for players totally different.

to assess the situation Gazzetta dello sport. On the other hand, the defender tries Don’t force relationships With the company, trying to highlight how his request is not just a purely economic request, but is ambitions. Koulibaly, in fact, wants to understand if one of Europe’s top clubs can be serious for him.

Fabian Ruiz Coulibaly, Napoli's future stadium
Photo: Getty – Fabian Ruiz Napoli

However, the position of the midfielder is different. Spanish customers complain Unwillingness to negotiate By Napoli during last season, and for now, the default renewal draft remains exactly the same.

Fabian RuizEven, you can risk They end up in the stands In the case of non-extension, just as happened with Melek. Definitely a script to avoid For the good of both parties.

Unequal treatment of players according to Rosylies in the fact that Coulibaly Already renovated twice His contract with Napoli, while from Fabian Ruiz so far he has always been there and only ending.

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