Saint Feliu, maintains popular festivals

Saint Feliu, maintains popular festivals

“Once the days of celebration are over and we take stock, the feeling we are left with is a good taste in our mouth.”“Seeing how the Festa Major de Sant Feliu went this year, it is clear that after last year, the first organized by the new board, they have made efforts to improve what was not done in the previous edition that ended in a coagulation,” said Roger Pont, president of the Association of Residents of Sant Feliu del Raco. “We took into account what worked and what didn’t. We reduced activities because we preferred to do less, but we improved them and we think we achieved the goal, because there was a greater flow of people. We are very happy.”Pont admits.

The Festa Major kicked off on Friday with the announcement of comedian Jonathan Vives, who lived for a few years in Sant Feliu, explaining what he remembers from that time. The celebrations continued in the Serrat camp, the barracks area, with an electronic DJ night, with guest DJs Mireia, Rippin+Alexa, DJ Guest and Aixer. “The atmosphere in the huts on Saturday was more than on Sunday, but we are very happy that there were no incidents and that sales were positive. It was one of the things we wanted to improve and we think it went better. We focused a lot on advertising each of the shows: Pere Toro, La Trinxera party, Josep Duran, B2B, Toti”.

One reason for the increased participation in the barracks on Saturday is that the Cantadas route ended there: “We thought that the party that had been held all over the city during the afternoon with the cantades would end there. When Els mes calmes performed the last song at Plaça Doctor Puig, everyone descended behind the beating of the tocantam drums towards the barracks..

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The President explained that all the planned activities could be carried out except for the wine on Sunday. However, there were other things, which were new, that worked very well: “On Sunday morning, a morning trial race was organized with the participation of 25 motorcycles.”But he says they learn from mistakes: “Making wine on Saturday afternoon in the heat was not right despite the umbrellas.”

The proposal that brings together the most people at the Festa Major de Sant Feliu is Cantada from the group Els mes calmes, who roam the streets in a van and cover songs, on this occasion Olivia, from The Tyets, and La Platja, from Stay Homas, with special letters. “The purpose is to expose people in a satirical way to the things that happened. We try to do that as gracefully as possible.”The president, who is also a singer, explained that they received some criticism of the content of the verses, saying that they are ready to hear both constructive and destructive criticism: “We know we can’t please everyone, but we do it from a humor standpoint. It was one of the best songs ever, in terms of lyrics, reception and organization.”.

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