Researchers Night arrives on September 30th at Unical: with SuperScienceMe to discover the wonderful world of science

Researchers Night arrives on September 30th at Unical: with SuperScienceMe to discover the wonderful world of science

With the 2022 edition of Scholar’s Night, universities are finally back, after two years, to open their doors to show the wonder and usefulness of science to the general public.

And SuperScienceMe, Calabrian-Lucan Nights, presented on Friday 23rd September, is ready to offer the community a journey into the wonderful world of science.

Experiments, science tours, demonstrations, recreational and educational events and thematic entertainment will include, Friday 30 SeptemberFrom morning to evening, in the four universities of the project – the three from Calabria and the university from Basilicata – visitors whose reservations are recorded.

“There is still a week left for this event but there are already more than 3,000 bookings from schools” – said Rector Nicolas Leon of Unical, excited about the event’s return in attendance. Leon also said he was proud to note that this year’s Researchers Night again, which is led by Unical, is among the few Italian projects funded by the European Commission.

University President Ignazio Marcello Mancini of UniBas commented: “This recognition confirms our great skills, not only scientific, but also knowledge and knowledge transfer” – noting the fruitful collaboration created between the partners of the SuperScienceMe project.

“We have prepared a program of interesting activities related also to other initiatives such as the Cosmos Science Festival of Reggio, which marks the fiftieth anniversary of the discovery of the Riace Bronzes” – said, during the conference, President of the Mediterranean University Giuseppe Zimbalati.

“We need to attract new and young resources into the world of research” – stated CNR Research Director Lidietta Giorno, emphasizing one of Night’s main goals which is specifically to bring young students closer to an academic career.

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Precisely for this reason, tonight’s 2022 edition titled “SuperScienceMe: ReSearch is Your Source” dedicates a large space to raising the awareness of younger generations about science, and in particular, STEAM (Scientific disciplines) specifying that researchers from four universities and CNR will be implemented in schools in the Calabria and Basilicata regions .

Indeed, as the Vice-President of the Calabria Region, Giusepina Princi, declared in the European Year of Youth, the night makes children the heroes of the knowledge path which sees, on the one hand, that the faculty accompany in the transmission of knowledge, and on the other hand, enables students to discover the beauty of study and do with research.

The core of the initiative this year is specifically activities targeting schools. with School researchersIn fact, researchers from the four universities and the National Research Council will meet with students from schools in the two regions to explain the five EU missions on which the event is focused.

The goal is to engage students in the disciplines of STEAM and research (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics) thanks to researchers who will work synergistically with teachers in informal learning contexts.

The September 30 You will advance the night, from morning to evening, Research mission scientific tour Reservable on the dedicated website ( choose from the catalog activities rich in experiences and presentations and divided into five thematic areas, inspired by the five European missions: health and quality of life; clean oceans and seas; Climate SOS is a green and smart city. Healthy soil and food.

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Each subject area will welcome groups of visitors who will assist and participate in the experiments.

At the four universities, as usual, the evening show is scheduled, which concludes the night program. During the press conference, singer-songwriter Peppe Voltarelli who at the University of Calabria, intervened in the amphitheater of Piazza Vermicelli, will give life with his band, starting from 21, to the performances of “Nextby Country Girls” and “Sonication in the Night of Minds Catchers”.

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