Relations with the United States did not offend France

Relations with the United States did not offend France

The announcement of the AUKUS agreement between the US, Australia and the UK did not cause waves. Despite satisfying efforts on the part of the Biden administration, France has not faded. After recalling his ambassador to Washington, French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Trianon reiterated his “disappointment” on Monday ahead of the UN General Assembly, which begins on Tuesday. According to experts, this diplomatic cold between France and the United States will last for some time …

Jean-Christophe Lawrence

Jean-Christophe Lawrence

What crisis?

Last Wednesday, Australia announced the cancellation of an order for 12 French attack submarines in support of Australian nuclear submarines.

The loss of the contract, valued at 56 56 billion, may not come as a complete surprise: rumors of friction have been circulating behind the scenes for some time.

France did not see the announcement of this tripartite military agreement between Australia, the United States and the United Kingdom to counter Chinese advances in the Indo-Pacific region.

This new alliance, formed in the utmost secrecy, is considered a real disgrace to France, which took place “in the dark” until the last minute.

For nearly a week, the Foreign Minister of the French Republic left no words, denouncing “back stabbing” by his allies and comparing Donald Trump’s methods to Joe Biden’s methods “without tweets”.

On Saturday, France recalled its ambassador to Canberra, but to Washington, unheard of. The scheduled meeting between the Minister of French Forces, Florence Barley, and his British envoy, Ben Wallace, was also canceled at the request of Paris.

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A “snap”

“This is a real diplomatic crisis. Undoubtedly more serious than Iraq in 2003,” said Annik Sichel, a professor and researcher at Sorbonne Novel University.

According to this expert on US foreign policy, the announcement of the AUKUS agreement is a real “snap” for France. At the same time it was considered to be at the center of strategic problems.

Additional Feet: She does her hair with the post-Brexit United Kingdom, which here proves her ability to do better outside the EU.

Photo by Kevin Lamarque, Buyers

Joe Biden, President of the United States

In a reassuring gesture, Joe Biden underlined that Hexagon was “a key partner and partner in strengthening the security and prosperity of the region” and that he was interested in “working closely with France.”

But in Paris, we no longer have any illusions about the new White House tenant. This diplomatic humiliation confirms that relations with Biden will not be good, although we expect a lot from this democratic administration, which is theoretically “beneficial” than before.

Another recent piece of evidence is that Joe Biden withdrew his troops from Afghanistan without warning to his NATO allies: at the risk of disrupting some old friendships, the “US leadership” will not be withdrawn.

“This is an insensitivity we expected from Donald Trump, and certainly not from Joe Biden,” the expert begins, accusing him of acting “unilaterally in pluralism”.

Long-term cold?

According to Nicole Bachchan, a political scientist who specializes in Franco-American relations, France’s anger is not a show.

And this diplomatic cold is expected to last for a while, despite Fiden’s statements, he said on Monday “impatient” to speak with his colleague in the French Republic.

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“I think traces [de cette crise] I don’t know if the relationship between lasting and Piton will be well restored [Emmanuel] Macron. I hope they continue to work together. But it is not easy to trust each other after this joke played on the backs of the French. ”Me பச்சரன்.

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Emmanuel Macron, President of France

Annick Sisel says France will be more determined as President Emmanuel Macron has more stakes. A presidential election is scheduled for May, with France taking over as the rotating president of the European Union in early 2022.

“It simply came to our notice then. [Macron] Must be a strong national and international leader. ”

Tensions between France and the United States could be felt at the United Nations General Assembly, which begins Tuesday in New York. US Secretary of State Anthony Blingen meets with his colleague Jean-Yves Le Trian from France, who on Monday lashed out at his “disappointment” and condemned “reflections of an era we thought”. Are over ”, the thin disappearance of the Donald Trump era.

Coincidence? At the same time, the United States announced that it was easing its border rules, which had been demanded for some time by the European Union.

“An expanding gesture, but a very small gesture, doesn’t fit what happened now,” concludes Annick Cecil.

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