Reasons for rejecting the referendum

Reasons for rejecting the referendum

Preparatory stages for the public hearing on referendum requests in a photo published by the Constitutional Court via its Twitter profile

Preparatory stages for the public hearing on referendum requests in a photo published by the Constitutional Court via its Twitter profile

Three reasons recommend not accepting the request to submit the killing of the party agreeing to the referendum. Lawyers representing Scienza & Vita and the Federation of Italian Catholic Jurists, the two associations formed along with the No to Kill Complacency Committee and other voices voiced opposition to the vote on the article before the constitutional judges. Code – 579 – which oversees a fundamental principle of protecting human life.

According to Alessandro Benedetti, Professor of Criminal Law at the European University of Rome, and Alberto Gambino, jurist and President of Scienza & Vita, the three main points, which are summarized in a memorandum from the Assembly, are: “The elements of contradiction and lack of clarity found in the wording of the referendum question; fact that the present referendum would annul a constitutionally necessary law providing a minimum protection for constitutionally protected property, that is, human life; in its results, the true nature of this referendum is not annulled (a method specific to the institution of the referendum), but is in fact a manipulation and suggested.”

The “sad and unacceptable” effect of canceling the referendum on the applicable law is to leave “vulnerable individuals who live in a state of difficulty and vulnerability, yet are still able to express their valid consent, without any form of protection.” This would open the way for “the possibility of harming the lives of many people, not just the sick in difficult circumstances. On the contrary, critically ill persons, along with their loved ones,” stated attorney Benedetti, “are instead claiming that physical pain/suffering is faced with accurate, competent drug assistance and serious specific preparations, with the reinforcement of Law 38/2010 – recalled as a prerequisite For any potentially fatal option by Constitutional Court No. 242 of 2019, which will now end with a possible declaration of the admissibility of the referendum question.”

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