Puigcerdà will resume the role of coach of the new arrivals.

Puigcerdà will resume the role of coach of the new arrivals.

Puigcerdà will regain the character of coach of the new arrivalsmikel spa

City CouncilBigger than you Planning to hire a technician for the Newcomers Councilheld by the advisor Respect the roseWhich aims to create a direct channel of communication between the Council and the many cultural communities living in the city.

the Council She hasn’t had a technician for years.which he enjoyed in previous states, and now wants to re-establish it given the large presence of communities of other nationalities in the capital, Sirdhana.

In this sense, Roser Respetti explained that “we really want that.” Working with communitiesAnd when we have the technical, we will be able to implement different measures in order to talk to the cultural entities and improve our relationship with the newcomers.”

With the same goal, the municipal government team was reinstated this year, after a mandate not to celebrate. Multiculturalism PartyIn this activity, which took place last weekend in Plaça del Call, several organizations represented Neighbours with foreign nationalitymost of whom are of South American origin.

Puigcerdà’s record sets a constant rate of Its population is 9,775, of whom 7,521 are Spanish nationals.This data shows that 2,254 inhabitants of Puigcerdà, or 23%, have foreign nationality. This percentage is thirteen points higher than the percentage of foreign residents in Catalonia, which is 10.2%.

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