Proust-’s penchant for science

Proust-’s penchant for science

The “research” talks about the importance of smell to memory. A study cited by an article published by “Cell” confirms intuition

But, when there is nothing left of the distant past, after beings are dead, after things have been destroyed, alone, they are more fragile but more alive, immaterial, more steadfast, more faithful, smell and taste linger for a long time, like spirits, to remember, waiting , contemplate, on the ruin of everything else, for support without bending, on its almost imperceptible descent, the gigantic edifice of memory.” Perhaps the most famous passage in that novel is which Marcel Proust himself compares to the construction of a cathedral and which he committed from 1906 to 1922: In search of lost time. More than a century later, scientists have found the description to be very accurate.

Then study published in
From several researchers at Harvard Medical School, it turns out that we don’t underestimate the sense of smell (there are at least ten different dimensions in the scent spectrum against five of the palate). Sensation has a kind of distinct pathway within the brain. In particular, it brings back memories. This is not the first time that human culture has anticipated scientific discoveries. In Proust’s case, a plausible explanation for this insight could lie in the method. The proof is in the title: Research, as in Science. Trying to find contraindications “Prost science” is poetry Madeline Make yourself a little cute: According to the same French author, explaining verses is like leaving a price tag on a gift. It is better not to forget a little mystery, even at breakfast.

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Aug 13, 2022 (change on Aug 13, 2022 | 22:56)

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