Prices rise, the investigation begins: the Guardia di Finanza is on alert against speculation. Coldiretti: “Unjustified Increases”

Prices rise, the investigation begins: the Guardia di Finanza is on alert against speculation.  Coldiretti: “Unjustified Increases”

There is a speculative drive behind unjustified increases in consumer goods. This explains the fact that even if the price of durum wheat falls…

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There is a speculative motive behind He increases Unjustified FMCG. This explains the fact that even if the price of durum wheat falls, the price of pasta goes up. For this reason, to better understand this phenomenon, the Minister of Enterprise and Made in Italy said, Adolfo OrsoAssign the guarantor to monitor prices, Benedict Mineo, to hold an early warning committee meeting. And immediately after the summit held by the Northern League agent on Thursday Massimo Petonchiand carpet checks Finance guardAs already happened with expensive gasoline. The idea, even if there is no official confirmation yet, is on the table and is part of the government’s broader maneuver to contain tensions and protect families’ purchasing power. watch on the prices Instead, work is being done specifically to collect as much data as possible. The pressure to activate Gdf is, among others, Coldiretti. It’s important,” the president told Il Messaggero. Ettore Brandini – The convening of the Rapid Alert Committee to clarify, together with the Ministry of Food Sovereignty, the price dynamics from one field to another and to identify any unfair practices and speculations in the pasta supply chain that the Guardia di Finanza can investigate as soon as possible to guarantee farmers and consumers.

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As mentioned in Thursday’s meeting, a scant agenda was on the table: Analyze why the cost of pasta rose 17.5% in March alone compared to the same month in 2022. There appears to be an unjustified increase given the fall in the cost of raw materials and energy costs, after the outbreak of war in Ukraine, things are definitely back to normal. It is not excluded that the Commission will expand its vision by addressing other issues as well. But perhaps not only Gdf will take over this field, but also codacon intervention requestAntitrust To identify any critical issues in the distribution chain up to the retailer level. That is, in the syllables – which consumer associations say in chorus – where price distortions are formed. “The meeting of the committee – says Minister Urso – will serve to clarify the price dynamics that have aroused concern among consumers also because they relate to such a basic commodity as pasta, an essential component of our diet”. “Increases – he concludes – affecting primary commodities with direct effects on household consumption and mainly popular classes.”

On the other hand, pasta is central to the Italian economy. Suffice it to say that each Italian consumes an average of 23.5 kilograms per year and that Italy consumes about a quarter of the annual world production, with a total turnover of nearly 20 billion euros. Coldirity It is reported that in Italy durum wheat is paid about 32-36 cents per kilo, at a value that does not cover production costs, which is more than 30% lower than in the same period last year, while the price of pasta has doubled. economic inflation. «Distortion – he explains – seems also evident from the trend in average consumer prices, which, according to the Observatory of the Ministry of Made in Italy, vary for pasta from 2.3 euros per kilo in Milan to 2.2 euros per kilo in Rome, from 1.85 euros per kilo in Naples vs. 1.49 euros per kilo in Palermo.
On the same line, the data of the consumer association Assoutenti which has drawn up the official map of the most expensive Italian cities for pasta. On the platform is Ancona (€ 2.44 per kg), while the cheapest is Cosenza (€ 1.48 per kg).

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But, comparing current prices with those of March 2022, the largest increases were recorded in the various provinces of Tuscany: the record belongs to Siena, where the price of a kilo of pasta rose from an average of 1.37 € / kg last year to 2.17 € today, with an increase of 58.4% .

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