• PRESSKIT The “science consensus” has been one of the strategies to silence vaccine harm

• PRESSKIT The “science consensus” has been one of the strategies to silence vaccine harm

Scientific consensus: Whatever the facts and delusions, it is necessary to follow the consensus taken from above. Because then you are a good person. Historically, affirmation of consent is the first resort of the bad guys; It is a way to avoid discussion by pretending that the matter has already been settled

It is difficult to hide the harm of a vaccine. Almost everyone knows someone who has suffered some form of injury, and sudden and unexpected deaths among younger age groups and athletes are well known to many. However, there are no mass protests.

One strategy that has been consistently pursued since the beginning is the demand for a “scientific consensus”. In a recently published study, it became abundantly clear that this is religion, the opposite of science. The study was sponsored by a foundation that awards religious advancement awards. The study suggests that whatever the facts and delusions are, the consensus issued from above must be followed. Because then you are a good person.

Michael Crichton explained very well what to think about the consensus of science in a talk at Caltech, Pasadena California, on January 17, 2003:

“I think consensus science is a very harmful development and it must be stopped now. Historically, affirmation of consent is the first resort of the bad guys; It is a way to avoid discussion by pretending that the matter has already been settled. Whenever you hear that scientists agree on something, grab your wallet because you will be scammed… To be clear, Science work is not unanimous. Consent is a matter of policy. On the other hand, in science it only takes one researcher to be right in the sense that he has results that can be verified against the real world. In science, consensus is irrelevant. What matters are the reproducible results. The greatest scientists in history are great precisely because they broke the consensus. There is no such thing as consensus science. If there is a consensus, it is not science. If it is a science, then this is not a consensus. a point.”

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A 2009 paper cited by Michael Crichton states:

Today the methods of reaching consensus have changed, but the outcome can be the same: the death of the soul. The use and abuse of “consensus science” is at least partially responsible for the current crisis in the scientific and medical review system. While peer review is considered one of the sacred pillars of the scientific edifice, it has long been criticized for controlling access to publications and funding, bringing the issue to prominence.
It is clear that many of the studies are designed to survive the review, even at the preprint and first publication stage. The real results are framed by religious confessions and statements like “vaccination saved millions of lives.” Exactly these textual pieces of studies can then be found in corporate media, and that’s okay.

source: https://tkp.at/2023/06/02/strategien-zur-reduktion-und-leugnung-der-impfschaeden/

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