Presented by Reggio Calabria, Cosmos Prize and Science Festival

Presented by Reggio Calabria, Cosmos Prize and Science Festival

at 50th Anniversary of the Discovery of Riace BronzesReggio Calabria will be too The capital of scientific culture With the new version of Cosmos Prize and Science FestivalThe culture and society decided in the city of the strait between September 29 and October 2 Coming, with preparatory activities already underway. The events were presented in Gilda Trisolini’s room in Palazzo Alvaro, the headquarters of The metropolitan city of Reggio Calabriain the presence of Carmelo VersaceActing Mayor, Filippo Quartuccio representative of culture Giusepina Atanasio and Chiara Baresi, Director and responsible respectively in Economic Development Sector 2 in Palazzo Alvaro, and Angela Martino Messiano, head of the Pythagorean Planetarium in Reggio. connected from Amsterdam, Gianfranco BurtonProfessor of Physics Reggio and creator of the National Prize.

Appointments throughout the metropolitan area

“We are particularly happy,” he said Carmelo Versace, Acting Mayor of Reggio Calabria – To be able to evolve, with Initiatives Which will be held around Capital TerritoryAnd this year’s Cosmos Prize and Science Festival represent our history and our identity 50th Anniversary of Reyes Bronze. After the release of Zero last year, in 2022, in particular The festival takes on more and more specific connotations and detailed. The metropolitan city of Reggio Calabria strongly believes in this event. We have a budget Resources equal to 90 thousand euros for his organisation. An amount that does not take into account the number of assets present Headed by Metrocity itself, who – which don’t weigh down In this position and which is carried out by our offices, first of all the second sector dedicated to economic development, for which I thank”, emphasized Carmelo Versace, Acting Mayor of Reggio Calabria.

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Italian schools abroad too

«The close volumes of scientific disclosure in the five finalists were chosen by the two Jurys of scientists, experts and students of thirty Italian schoolsa number that grows from year to year, and among those frequented by citizens a Barcelona, ​​Madrid, Istanbul and Cairo, so Italian schools abroad. The most representative region is Calabria with many schools throughout the Reggio metropolitan area. Our goal has always been to provide growing opportunitiesin this case in the name of scientific culture, Especially for those who risk staying on the sidelines‘, highlighted Angela Martino Messiano, Scientific Director of the Pythagorean Planetarium in Reggio Calabriaevent partner. Only Professor Martino for her A passionate and multi-year commitment to scientific publishingRecently, he received a prestigious title Order of Merit of the Italian Republic by President Sergio Mattarella.
“I am amazed at all this attention I hope I deserve it. Of course surely I received From my students, my family and my school, Much more than I gave“Commented on Professor Angela Martino Messiano.

Scientific knowledge is a great resource

born in 2018 From the intuition of Gianfranco Berton of Reggio, Professor of Physics at the University of Amsterdam and Director of the European Consortium for Elementary Particle Theory, the event, supported by City train station Regina in synergy with Italian Astronomical Society and Pythagorean Planetariumthis year will be enriched by The first edition of the Festival of Science, Culture and Society. Thus, the promotion of scientific culture among younger generationswith the widest post from Citizenship.

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The five in the final

“The intent we see matures year after year – the Creator explained Gianfranco Bertone, Professor of Reggio origin in Amsterdam Consciously feeding centralization of scientific knowledgelike humanity and without any separation, in The growth path of each community. there Scientific publishing, promoted by events, knowledge is exercised, edition by edition, thanks to the participation of the younger generations in selecting the volumes to be awarded. This year, the five finalists were determined by school jury meditate Marco Ferrari With the folder “How to build an alien”, Gabriella Grayson With “quantitative evidence of nonconformists”, Jimena Canales With “Shadow of Satan”, Patricia Caravio With “Sidereus Nuncius 2.0” e Guido Tonelli With “Tempo”. The last three were also chosen by scientific Committee together with Eric Kirshenbaum With “Galactic Handbook for Naturalists” e David Lindley With “what universe”, declared Professor Gianfranco Bertone.

Citizenship Initiatives

“In parallel with Awards ceremony and ai Interviews with winners and winners The prize, between Piazza Italia, Palazzo Crupi, in the Aragonese Castle, will take place Workshops and conferences Theatrical spaces and readings. Furthermore Gazebos erected in Lungomare will become molds from Scientific publishing With experts who will be willing to communicate with the territory,” he explained Anna Maria FrancoAnd the official Sector 2 is the economic development of the metropolitan city of Reggio Calabria.

Astronomy Olympiad

This year too Welcome back to Reggio Calabriaafter the 2011 national final hosted by the Astronomy Olympic Games.
“next one May 4 The Classical High School will host Tommaso Campanella Guide From middle school students from Beginners section 1 And the next day there will be Awards ceremony In the Alfaro Palace. More emphasis on leadership role Our city also covers it in science scenehe finished Filippo Quartuccio, urban consultant responsible for culture.

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