PP contrasts with Vox’s campaign against the LGTBIQ+ flag in Valencia

The LGTBIQ+ flag lights up on Friday on the façade of the Valencian courts, as a result of the agreement between the PP, PSPV and Comromís, in An image that contradicts the decision of the Mayor of ValenciaMaría José Catala, also from the People’s Party, declined to comment on the capital’s city council, which governs jointly with the Vox party.

The contradictions and balances of its popularity It is explained by the pressure exerted by their partners at Voxwho in recent days has embarked on a crusade to try to hide the Pride flag.

While Catala on Wednesday compared the LGTBIQ+ movement to various diseases, asserting – although it is a lie – that the city council does not hang flags “on ALS, Alzheimer’s or Cancer Day”, this Wednesday His party colleagues were photographed holding the flag. From the facade of Les Corts.

“The Valencian Community is a land of freedom and we are very proud of that No one inherits desires and freedom. The spokesman for the Popular Party in the Valencian Parliament said over the network X.

Although no corporate event was held, photographs were taken in front of the flag. Many People’s Party deputies He is accompanied by the Secretary of Equality and Diversity of the State of Valencia, Asuncion Cuenza, and the General Director of Diversity, Stefan Soriano.

The flag is clearly visible on the facade of Palau dels Borja The head of the institution, who is from the Vox party, tried to prevent this By the motion which was rejected.

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In her writing, Maria de los Llanos Maso refers to the occasions when the Supreme Court has taken a position on the flags that must be flown in public buildings and on the principle ofObjectivity and neutrality From institutions.

The Balearic Islands have experienced a similar situation.where the flag flies on the facade with an agreement between PP, PSiB and more, against the wishes of President Gabriel Le Sen, from Vox.

In this case, the far-right formation took another step. The courts have been asked He ordered the flag to be removed.

The flag flies on the facade of the Balearic Islands Parliament despite the wishes of its president (Europa Press)

Commitment challenges Catalanism

Meanwhile, in the Valencia City Council, this is the case. First year since 2016 The LGTBIQ+ flag is not being displayed on the balcony to coincide with Pride Day, which is why the Combrome councillors challenged the mayor.

On Thursday they tried to raise the flag on the balcony of the city hall and agents of The local police snatched it from their hands To prevent this, while the same group, as well as the People’s Progressive Party, chose this Friday to raise flags inside the plenary session.

This caused a rapid reaction from the far right, which… He requested that the banners be withdrawnBut municipal sources explained that the mayor consulted the municipal secretary and he dismissed her, claiming that the regulations prohibit placing banners and flags on balconies, but “does not say anything” about their presence on council members’ seats.

Vox party spokesman in Valencia City Council called for the flag to be withdrawn (EFE/Biel Aliño)

The distance between the main LGTBIQ+ associations and the main institutions in Valencia is greater than ever. So much so that for the first time, Two marches were organised On the streets of Valencia: official without the support of associations, and alternative, organized by the Lambda group under the slogan: “For our rights, pride and resistance.”

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