Poste Italiane is closing these savings books: You warned us

Poste Italiane is closing these savings books: You warned us

Be aware, Poste Italiane will close savings accounts by this date. So let’s get into the details and see all there is to know about it.

Poste Italiane warns that many will be closing soon savings books. So let’s get into the details and see what to expect.

Poste Italiane is closing these savings books: You warned us
Photo © AdobeStock

Food, children’s education, leisure time, cars etc. There are indeed many costs to be incurred that will eventually affect our budget. To exacerbate the situation, then, there is a general increase in prices. An aspect that certainly does not go unnoticed, with many who have thus decided to pay special attention to the world savings.

By delving into this area, there is no doubt that one of the most widely used and widespread tools can be calculated savings books. Well, in this regard, we invite you to pay attention to a recent notice from Poste Italiane which will close many savings books by this date. But for what reason? Let’s get into the details and see what to expect.

Poste Italiane will close inactive savings accounts by this date: all you need to know

We’ve already seen why lending is so important Pay attention to the terms on the back of postal savings bonds. Likewise, we invite you to pay attention to Poste Italiane notifications, such as those related to i Dormant savings accounts.

In practice, these are manuals There have been no movements for over ten years With a balance of more than 100 euros. Moreover, these tools are not subject to procedures or operational obstacles that prevent their handling. Okay, stakeholders, so it’s good to know they have to speed up.

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This is because Poste Italiane will be closing it soon. However, all this can be avoided. To this end, all you have to do is go to a file Post office by June 21, 2022. This way the operators will be able to proceed with the log enumeration of the respective manuals.

Poste Italiane will close dormant savings accounts: what to do

In the event that this process is not carried out, the inactive postal books will be amortized, with funds deposited on them which will be donated to the fund managed by Consap. As it can be seen from Poste Italiane siteMoreover, it is good to know that I

The passbook holders who have received a letter from Poste Italiane informing the passbook of dormancy, to avoid its extinction and to transfer the relative balances to the above-mentioned fund, Send a call to the address indicated in the message Receive or carry out operations on the passbook within the term indicated in the same contact“.

However, in case of doubt, we invite you to consult the Poste Italiane website that can be consulted brochure list Dormant savings accounts are requested after the post office identification number where they were opened.

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