L’estiu arranca amb els casos i hospitalitzacions per coronavirus a l’alça. De fet, ja fa setmanes que s’està produint aquest creixement, concretament des de fa més d’un mes; però en els últims quinze dies l’ascens s’ha accentuat.
When I encounter a popular scientific text, I always have the question: what goal did he set for himself and whether he achieved it. In fact, the risk of a publication business is to provide information only without reasonable justification, which may require specific knowledge. In the case of this work, the author states that […]
Photo: Freepic
People who suffer from a large number of Moving before 15 years They are 40% more likely to develop depression later in life, according to a new study by researchers from Aarhus University (Denmark), the University of Plymouth (UK), and the University of Manchester (UK). The study, published in the journal […]
LECCE – Learn Science and Technology, Discover Talent and Play. This is the goal of GO4STEM, a roving project for professional guidance in the field of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) which stops, until June, at the Istituto Comprensivo “P. Stomio J. Zimbalo “lychee. The project arrives in Lecce, thanks to the La Svolta […]