Political scientists, reporters and Western politicians in the new blacklist of “Putinists” drawn up by Kyiv: there are also Luttwak and Glenn Greenwald

Political scientists, reporters and Western politicians in the new blacklist of “Putinists” drawn up by Kyiv: there are also Luttwak and Glenn Greenwald

Political scientists, politicians, intellectuals and even journalists. Some are western. .’s new blacklist Putin’s advocatesAccording to what is revealed AnyrdDeveloped by the Anti-Disinformation Center, required in 2021 by the President Volodymyr Zelensky It is led by a former lawyer Polina Lysenkoinfluences globally known personalities, such as the Analyst Edward LuttwakConsider the political world the father of political realism John Mearsheimer So is the reporter Glenn GreenwaldFounder Intercept Who made the world known by signs Edward Snowden On the The National Security Agency American.

The purpose of the center is to detect and counter “propaganda” and “destructive disinformation” and prevent “manipulation of public opinion”. So on July 14th he released a new list of characters that They are “promoting Russian propaganda”. Read the Republican Senator’s name rand bullby a former Democratic congressman Tulsi Gabbard, in addition to Luttwak, Mearsheimer, and Greenwald mentioned above. It is not clear what the concrete consequences are for these people, nor the criteria used for the assessments. Next to each name, the report lists which ones Viewpoints “pro-Russian” promoted by the individual subject. For example, Luttwak was found guilty of proposing the creation of “Referendum in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions”. On the other hand, Mearsheimer came under scrutiny for saying that “NATO has been in Ukraine since 2014” and that “NATO provoked Putin”.

Edward Luttwak, heard by the online newspapers, vehemently refuses to be described as Putin’s aide. “Since February 24, the first day of the war, he has relentlessly claimed that not only the United States, United kingdomAnd the Norway And others should send weapons to Ukraine, but also the hesitant trio FranceAnd the Germany And the Italia“I personally pressured NATO defense ministers” to send more weapons as part of the war effort, “I am not Putin’s most loyal customer.”

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Instead, Mearsheimer asserted his innocence by recalling that “When I was a child, my mother taught me that when others cannot overcome your arguments with facts and logic, they distort you. That is what is happening here. I would argue that from the evidence we have, it is clear that Russia has invaded.” Ukraine because the United States and its European allies were determined to make Ukraine Western fortress on the border with RussiaWhat is it He flies He considered it an existential threat. Ukrainians of all faiths reject my argument and blame instead Russian President Vladimir Putin who was said to have been bent on occupying Ukraine and making it part of a larger Russia. But there is no evidence in public records to support this claim, creating real problems both in Kyiv and in the West. How do they deal with me? The answer, of course, is to call me a Russian propagandist, which I am not.”

Finally, Greenwald described everything as one ‘Ordinary McCarthy folly’: War advocates in the West and other officials in Western state security agencies have used the same tactics for decades to demonize anyone who questions US and NATO foreign policy. The most important ones, dating back to the beginning cold Waris an accusation of spreading “Russian propaganda” or otherwise serving the Kremlin.”

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